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just friends?

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Hey there, my names Apollo. When i was in elementary school, i didn't really have any friends that i hung out with, not counting my cousin. But, when i was in the 2nd grade i met a girl named Alice. Something i guess struck me about her (which is surprising for a 7 year old). (still not trying to be cheesy) I even remember bells going off in my head and maybe even a rainbow, so when it was time for recess i started talking to her. I was nervous, but somehow i made a good impression. Even though i was a boy, her mom didn't mind letting her spend the night, neither did my mom. We shared our birthdays and she once spent the night at my house for a week. However, one night i kissed her in my sleep and for some reason (yes we slept in the same bed) and everytime someone brought it up she turned bright red and never looked me in my eyes. 3 years later after staying with her and one of her friends ( yeah i'm a ladies man, just kidding i'm not that cocky ) house i was laying in bed and for some reason i couldn't get her off my mind. After a few minutes i thought up something. Just maybe i might be in love with her (I kept this to myself). That same year I had been selected to be in the early college program ( I'll have an associates degree by the time i graduate high school), which meant leaving my elementary school and going to middle school. I asked one of my friends how Alice felt about my leaving and going to middle school. She said there was a look in her eye almost like " a hole was ripped out of her when i didn't show up the first day." It made me happy that she missed me, but also a little mad at myself for leaving. So, she suggested for my birthday that they come over. However, she had to leave early which meant Alice and i were all alone in my room. So, we started our favorite pastime, wrestling ( she always ended up on top). Everytime i jumped on her she would scream (like a playful scream) and start giggling. Later we went out to eat. She was playing with my phone (and looking through my messages) and i was in daydream land. She looked at me and asked me who i was winking at (I guess i squint when im daydreaming) almost like she was mad. I was surprised but i said no one. When we got home we went back up to my room and watched tv. I got out my laptop and started playing a game. She jumped off my bed and bent over so she could see the screen and mumbled "what are you doing?"

and when i asked her why she said, "no reason." Then she went home.


I'd just like to know if it's love and if i should let her know i like her



Thanks for reading.

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You'll never know if you don't ask her, but here's a general view on the whole friends to relationship situation:


So many guys mistake "being a shoulder to lean on" as a girl

having a genuine interest in them. It is for this very reason

that you need to establish that line between being her "friend"

and potential "lover".


A lover has a lower level of empathy. While there is some level

of trust there, it's never 100%. This is necessary to maintain

heightened levels of sexual tension.


If your intention is to be her lover, not her friend, you do want

to establish some level of trust. Just be wary of becoming her

buddy. If you notice that the conversation never evolves toward

sexuality (despite your efforts), you're probably headed in the

direction of being her friend.


Just make sure to NEVER expect any sexual interaction with this

girl once you've become her friend. Because when you get the

courage to *make your move*, you'll be surprised to find yourself

in the Friends Zone, so don't get your hopes up.


Once you get into a stable relationship with a girl, it's alright to be much more empathetic and a stable shoulder for her, but just not right at the start. Your situation is different because you basically grew up with her but again, don't get your hopes up.

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