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for what are you grateful?

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i'm a little down today; i don't know, maybe a touch of the SAD. it's pretty cold here. i miss my parents and my old friends a lot right now. i was wondering if anyone in a good mood cared to share what in their lives they are grateful for - i need that kind of thinking right now.


i know i have a lot i'm grateful for, but i can't see it today; everything just seems kind of gray. i hate being depressed - it makes me so selfish - and i know most people in the world are having a hard time even feeding themselves or their children.


but what helps me now is just hearing from positive people - i don't need to be told i'm first world and impossibly navel gazing at the moment - i KNOW that. (this is my current friends' approach).


so drop some font if you're able and willing; i would be grateful for this, for sure.

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My future.


We've been talking a lot about college at school, it's one of those schools :rolleyes: , and I feel good about myself, and the way I've positioned myself to go to College. But it's not just that, I also have plans of being successful in life, of having a good family, a good life, a good relationship. I love my parents for all the help they've given me, and honestly, I was rather depressed lately, but I made a (difficult) decision to stop being such a pussy and start being happy again, and I was strong enough to make that work, and I'm enjoying myself more.

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Poor jen........so sorry to hear your down. :(


And somewhat surprised.....after all with such a great avatar.....Anyway:


When it comes right down to it I'm grateful for not only my health but the health of everyone in my family.


Now I've got to get back to my new-found hobby: "impossibly navel gazing." :p

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Don't be sad. I know this is comming from "MS. POSITIVE", but I hate to see someone like yourself or anyone on this forum to be sad. Anywho, sorry I can't be that positive person to help you out, but I do have things that I am grateful for and here is the list:


1. Glad to have a loving mother

2. Good health that I know of

3. Having a college education

4. (selfish part) grateful for having tickets to VEGAS

5. Glad to be alive

6. grateful that I am getting myself on track slow but sure

7. grateful that I know people who care about me


I know there is more, but I am having a brain fart. Sorry. But those are just afew that I am grateful for.


Jenny, don't be sad. If I could do anything, you know I would. I think your the best and you need to perk up abit. Sure easier said then done, and I know everyone goes through those days of being alittle down in the dumps, but I hate to see someone who is somewhat positive for most of the time just struggling on the depression thing. You take care and if you need to talk, you can always talk to me, "MS POSITIVE".

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It also makes me all warm and fuzzy to know that Dyermaker's decided to:


to stop being such a pussy
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Not a good day for me also but feeing a little better after posting my thread - hope yours helps too.


I am grateful for having someone who is ALWAYS on my side, a constant friend who wants me to win at whatever I wish and is never judgemental about how I choose to do it.


P.S. after reading Jester's post: my two gorgeous girls - how could I have forgotten them!

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i'm having a blue week, too, jenny, so thanks for making me focus on what i'm grateful for. let's see:


- my loving parents

- what i've been given a good doze of by nature - brain, health, looks

- leonard cohen, or rather his music, poetry and books

- the opportunities that i have here - i can choose my profession, i can be independent, etc.

- my friends (not many but i have a strong suspicion many of them care back)


omg, i just sneezed three - make that four! times ;)



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I am really grateful for the gift of pleasure. I am able to find enjoyment in a lot of simple things; even things some folks like to scoff at. I drink chocolate milk at least twice a day. I have done so for most of my life, but it is delicious every time. I am having the simplest of meals by choice; those gorgeous little BC nugget potatoes, carrots and broccoli - again, everything is delicious. :D

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hey, thanks everybody! meanon, longlegz, yes, moi, dyermaker, jester - thank you! :):D


a speacil note for longlegz : thanks sweety! i love your idea of the long slow process; i need a long slow grooming tonight with a good novel, followed by clubbing!


by the end of tonight, i will stop being such a pussy as well and post my own list. mmmm..self-reliance.


lol! i just saw this:


those gorgeous little BC nugget potatoes,



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Everything will work out for you. Everyone has days of being down in the dumps. I know I get them more then most people, but I do realize that I have to think about things that I am most grateful for and it sometimes works. But usually when I am truely down in the dumps is when I am PMSing. Take care. Keep me posted.

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I've been permantently down for about a week. It's time to get out of it, so here we go.


I am grateful for:


Having my boyfriend who I love so damn much, and knowing that no matter what, I'll always have someone to talk to, cry to, run to.


My family and friends' good health.


Having friends. Sounds stupid but I have so many friends who are just amazing people, I cannot love and respect them more.


Being able to do what I want to do (like leaving college and getting a job, doing my apprenticeship).


My boyfriend being able to put up with my jealousy problems and not once getting mad about me ranting (although, sometimes having no idea what I'm getting about).


Being alive and well.

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Hey all...been away, but wanted to add to the list.


My loving wonderful family

My loving wonderful guy :love:

Living in a beautiful location with a great lifestyle

My freedom to do what I choose (within reason of course!)

Having a good job and steady income

The promises of adventure in my future and life plans with lots of travel to come!


That's just a few....I've been up and down lately, but mostly up because I am GETTING BETTER! Yay! Have been a tad confused as I go through the process, and sometimes want to kick myself for not being perfect...but we all have those days! I'm going to post about my experiences too...just gotta do some work first!


Smile on Jenny and all! :)

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Whenever I am sad about something, and I just cant figure out what it is thats getting me down, I like to go to my warm comfty bed and lay down. If Im nervous or overwhelmed it always calms me down into sleep. I can give my body a break and leave the worlds problems to everyone else temporarily. Things seem a lot better when I awake. And my thoughts seem more positive also.

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strength, preserverence, confidence, grace, compassion, beauty, beliefs, perspective, faith, generosity, maturity





loved ones, possessions, home, stability,





experiences, successes (victories), possibilities, potential, failures, lessons






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I'm grateful for the friends that I have. The other week, I was telling one of my friends that I didn't want to go home because my parents were driving me nuts. She told another good friend of mine and he called me into his office (he's the president of the students association for the college here) and I was just balling. If he hadn't called me in, I don't even know what I would have done. I'm also grateful for my family and I can't even say how much I love them.

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