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Do White Men Find Black Women Attractive

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Well ghetto is ghetto, like redneck is redneck. I grew up in a town with a large lower-class population comprised of whites, puerto ricans and blacks and it's about as ghetto as it gets.


I guess the way of speaking would be the worst thing to deal with, because generally it implies a complete lack of brain activity when speech is devolved to that really horrible level that barely represents english, whether it be redneck-y or ghetto-y.



I don't view ghetto or redneck as anything to do with class, SES or educational level....but a frame of mind. Again, how you view those things.

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I don't view ghetto or redneck as anything to do with class, SES or educational level....but a frame of mind. Again, how you view those things.


Well, a white person raised in a mansion with considerable fortune is not likely to ever become a redneck. Unless of course they completely rebel against their upbringing and decide to live in a trailer and watch NASCAR :laugh:.


I guess you're right in that it's a frame of mind, however the issue with dating would come from the personality traits, or as I pointed out the manner of speaking. It's not about skin color, it's about personality and character.

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Well, a white person raised in a mansion with considerable fortune is not likely to ever become a redneck. Unless of course they completely rebel against their upbringing and decide to live in a trailer and watch NASCAR :laugh:.


I guess you're right in that it's a frame of mind, however the issue with dating would come from the personality traits, or as I pointed out the manner of speaking. It's not about skin color, it's about personality and character.



I couldn't agree more. And I like NASCAR.....when there is nothing else to do. :p

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Sensitive? Who is more sensitive than white women, especially when it comes to looks and weight. It's just that you aren't attracted to black women and that's your choice.


I'm only attracted to a very select few women. I have found black women attractive. I did now that I think about it once go on a date with a pretty black girl but we were more just friends and never hit it off.


My experience is you have to watch what you say around SOME black people period because they will try to turn it into a race thing. Even one of my best friends always found himself getting upset about something or other... I lost touch with him over his sensitivities to sht...

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I'm only attracted to a very select few women. I have found black women attractive. I did now that I think about it once go on a date with a pretty black girl but we were more just friends and never hit it off.


My experience is you have to watch what you say around SOME black people period because they will try to turn it into a race thing. Even one of my best friends always found himself getting upset about something or other... I lost touch with him over his sensitivities to sht...



Might have been a blesssing for both of you.

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The personality traits described as ghetto have more to do with the lower classes than skin color. I know plenty of white people who act like that and plenty of black women and men who are the picture of class. To be honesyt sometimes I like the raw and crude demeanor of working class people of all races. I like the realness of it while upper class types tend to smile in your face and stab you in the back.


As for finding black women attractive there are plenty that are beautiful.

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as chris rock said its the sisters who do not find white men attractive

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I couldn't agree more. And I like NASCAR.....when there is nothing else to do. :p


Well MLK Jr. said it and he was right, "ghetto" can be in any skin color and it's not just minorities, whites are just as guilty, if not more so. I've seen so many middle class, suburban whites act as if they grew up on the streets slinging crack, and it's always hilarious.


The stereotypical ghetto personality is always a turn off though, as for some it's like they want to talk that way and act as they do. I've had many friends like this, but in dating I couldn't do it.


I think I mentioned it but this one girl from Africa was stunning, unfortunately she wasn't into white guys and it didn't work out. She was amazing though and I still wish I had been able to date her, I think I still have her number actually...

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as chris rock said its the sisters who do not find white men attractive


Not entirely true, but true to an extent.


My first boyfriend was White. My second was Puerto Rican. My third, West Indian but not Black OR Latino.


My only preference is that my romantic interests be male. LOL.


I'm pretty dark, but I don't have African features. I have a small, pointed nose, almond-shaped eyes (think a cross between Native American and Somalian), high-Native American-cheekbones, and (usually when not cut short) long jetblack hair.


I've never had a problem attracting men of all ethnicities. I once (jokingly) told my husband that my next husband will likely be White or not from the US (he's not from the US either). He believes me.


I like just about all men (not Africans though, its cultural not appearance), but Chris Rock's statement did make me laugh. Some Black women will never be attracted to the stereotypes of White men only wanting them for "jungle" sex. LOL. If they would just move pass that lie (and the one about White men having smaller penises), they'd be pleasantly surprised.

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as chris rock said its the sisters who do not find white men attractive


I've heard chris rock say the oposite.

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You know, I've noticed that white guys do love black women, but they're hard to get. That's why they stick with there own kind. but they still tend to look at them all the time.They just don't want to admit it.


As a general rule, I couldn't disagree more. Maybe you just happen to know a few?

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OP, I've met numerous ladies of color (not just of African descent) whom I've found attractive but, alas, they've always been attached. My biggest education culturally came from a couple trips to Africa where I could experience the cultures firsthand. I was in South Africa shortly before Apartheid ended and in Zimbabwe right after their independence, along with visiting a few other African nations. People are people and women are women, everywhere. Hope things go well for you and your gentleman. :)

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Well seeming I am not a man I can say this, My neighbor is a white man married to a beautiful AA woman ;)

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Yes, millions of them. The most beautiful woman I ever met in my life was an athlete from Ghana. Her skin was so dark that it glistened even in ambient light. Her smile exploded across a room, and her heavy lidded sultry eyes could tell a story without a word. She was so humble and polite you felt like a Philistine in her presence. She moved with the grace of a panther. What a woman!

This is just beautiful .


well i'm a brown man so i don't know if i should reply


I dated a Indian guy once and he asked me "Do I like brown guys?". I sat staring at him for like 5 minutes straight , "Like dude I'm black, what are you talking about? ". lol

We laughed the whole night about that. I had never heard that terminology used before .

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Dexter Morgan
Some do, but many do not.


Someone did a study recently of people's on-line dating behavior (sorry, couldn't find the link) and found several striking trends. Among them:


1) White men were FAR more likely than anyone else to reject black women.


2) White women were FAR more likely than anyone else to reject Asian men.


When the study authors asked some of the white men why they rejected black women, they said things like black women were "too loud," "too pushy" ot "too in-your-face."


Mind you, these men had never met any of the women they rejected. Stereotypes are alive and well.



well I'm not saying a word except, just watch a few episodes of "Maury". That will give some insight.

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My SO dated a black woman in college, and says it wasn't his thing. He claims that up until they had sex, he was always curious about black women. He also said some derogatory things that I won't be repeating.. I think some black women are really pretty. :)

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This is just beautiful .




I dated a Indian guy once and he asked me "Do I like brown guys?". I sat staring at him for like 5 minutes straight , "Like dude I'm black, what are you talking about? ". lol

We laughed the whole night about that. I had never heard that terminology used before .


Its an asain thing from South Asia around to the Philippines. the local societies have a light skinned preference to the point that all health and beauty products talk about their whitening properties. Those who can afford it do their own version of Michael Jackson through different soaps lotions and treatments. Even if you choose them they have convinced themselves it was because they are lighter then their best friend. There is some I'm Black and I'm Proud attitudes among the young and especially those raised outside of their parent countries but they are the minority opinion.

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Feelin Frisky

I dig Venus Williams. She's got an understated beauty and not all out there like her sister. Plus she's got a bitchin' azz and a set of hips I want to hop on.

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I dated a Indian guy once and he asked me "Do I like brown guys?". I sat staring at him for like 5 minutes straight , "Like dude I'm black, what are you talking about? ". lol

We laughed the whole night about that. I had never heard that terminology used before .


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Zoe Saldana is engaged to a white man so he sure found her attractive.


Zoe Saldana doesn't count. We're limiting the discussion to mere mortals.

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Its an asain thing from South Asia around to the Philippines. the local societies have a light skinned preference to the point that all health and beauty products talk about their whitening properties. Those who can afford it do their own version of Michael Jackson through different soaps lotions and treatments. Even if you choose them they have convinced themselves it was because they are lighter then their best friend. There is some I'm Black and I'm Proud attitudes among the young and especially those raised outside of their parent countries but they are the minority opinion.

It is the same in many countries. I can't count the amount of my family members from back home who bleach their skin. And its not like they have to search out these products . It is like buying soap and tooth paste in America.

"Oh let me get a tube of toothpaste and some of the face bleach." . It is very sad


I am not to sure why you quoted me but I wanted to reply :-)

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