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Finally final and loving it!

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broken hearted

My divorce finally became final yesterday and I couldn't be happier. This closure and happiness has been a long time coming and to finally be where I am is the most relieving feeling in the world. I'm sure those of you who know my story and have read my rambling, crying, desperate posts over the last year are probably quite shocked to hear how happy I am with my life now.


Thank you to all who helped me get to this point. I am happier than I have ever been in my life!

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Congratulations!! It's even better to hear that you are doing well too!


I'm on my own countdown now....almost 75 days and counting....could have been a July one had I not let him come back once...grr. Oh well....live and learn.


Good luck to you and yours. :D

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Fabulous news Broken! I am so glad to hear you happy!:) You have come a long way my dear, you should be proud. You and those 2 little kiddies deserve nothing but the best and all the happiness in the world.


Best of luck to you Broken, you made me smile tonight.



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broken hearted

Thanks Trippi and Tojaz!


A year ago, I never would have ever expected to be at the point I am emotionally. I truly am happier than I have ever been before. I am finally realizing who I am, what makes me happy, and what I have to offer to a man and to be honest, I have a whole lot to offer to someone.


I had also given up hope that there were any men out there that were as amazing as you, Tojaz, but I have been dating someone for the last 3-4 months who would give you a run for your money ;).


And it doesn't hurt that I'm feeling damn good about myself! I'm looking just as good as I did in high school...:D

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It is great to finally hear from you again.


A real man. I trully am happy for you. Sometimes all you have to do is relax and let it happen.


Please tell us more. How are the kids? And were you able to find work?


Your friend Gallon

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That is awsome.

I'm going over my final divorce papers now to make sure everything is how I want it & gonna get them signed.


I honestly can't wait.

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That is great Broken, it's so good to hear how you are doing, have been thinking about you. Hey, is it the guy you told me about meeting? DETAILS PLEASE! LOL


Seriously, glad to hear you are happy, you deserve it.

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I'm not sure what to report...


The kids are great! I hate this back and forth lifestyle that my ex chose for them but I take comfort in knowing I would never have chosen this for them...this was all the ex's doing and selfishness.


I ended up with EVERYTHING! I have sole legal and physical custody of the kids with the visitation split 65/35 in my favor. In terms of property, I was awarded EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. The ex is required to pay for the house until it sells while I live here with the kids and once it sells, the entire equity is mine. He walks away with nothing financially and I walk away with everything. He will be paying me a nice sum every month for child support and alimony as well.


I am off work for the summer from my current job but am still trying to find a full time job to support myself and the kids.


I have been dating the same guy for 3-4 months now (no Lisa it is not the guy I told you about). He is right around my age and has no problem with my stats (me being divorced and having 2 very young kids at 28) which is something I was terrified about. He treats me amazingly and is one of the most successful, honest, hard working, sweet, mature, loving, caring, genuine people I have ever met. It's been a long time since I have been treated so well and told daily that I am amazing and beautiful. I am 100% honest with him and told him that I am not willing or ready to jump into anything and that, unfortunately, my guard is still half up. He is supportive and extremely understanding...GREAT GUY!

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I'm not sure what to report...


The kids are great! I hate this back and forth lifestyle that my ex chose for them but I take comfort in knowing I would never have chosen this for them...this was all the ex's doing and selfishness.


I ended up with EVERYTHING! I have sole legal and physical custody of the kids with the visitation split 65/35 in my favor. In terms of property, I was awarded EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. The ex is required to pay for the house until it sells while I live here with the kids and once it sells, the entire equity is mine. He walks away with nothing financially and I walk away with everything. He will be paying me a nice sum every month for child support and alimony as well.


I am off work for the summer from my current job but am still trying to find a full time job to support myself and the kids.


I have been dating the same guy for 3-4 months now (no Lisa it is not the guy I told you about). He is right around my age and has no problem with my stats (me being divorced and having 2 very young kids at 28) which is something I was terrified about. He treats me amazingly and is one of the most successful, honest, hard working, sweet, mature, loving, caring, genuine people I have ever met. It's been a long time since I have been treated so well and told daily that I am amazing and beautiful. I am 100% honest with him and told him that I am not willing or ready to jump into anything and that, unfortunately, my guard is still half up. He is supportive and extremely understanding...GREAT GUY!


This is wonderful news Broken, you made out very well. Looks like things are looking very up for you, sure you will find something full time soon.


On the guy....good for you, you deserve it!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:


It's not unusual to have your guard up...especially after all you have been through. Sounds like an amazing guy, good for you!! :):)

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I ended up with EVERYTHING! I have sole legal and physical custody of the kids with the visitation split 65/35 in my favor. In terms of property, I was awarded EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. The ex is required to pay for the house until it sells while I live here with the kids and once it sells, the entire equity is mine. He walks away with nothing financially and I walk away with everything. He will be paying me a nice sum every month for child support and alimony as well.


The joke is on you! This is why I will NEVER marry again nor co-habit (aka Shack-up) with another woman again.


From the jump-start? Male to female birth are 49% to 51% ~ that is to say that there are more more female births than male births.


With growing age ~ because men do stupid things such as mountain climbing, bungee jumping, riding motorcycles, enlisting into the military, going into combat, dirt bike racing, race car driving, committing crimes and going to prison etc.


There are less and less "good" available men as women age?


Thus the old joke about an elderly woman living in a retirement community in Florida?


As she went about her daily walk she sat down on a bench to enjoy the sun and the sea breeze.


And elderly gentleman sat down on the opposite of the bench?


She spoke to him and told him that she'd never seen him out and about?


"Oh I lived here years ago!"


"Where have you been since you lived here before?" she asked?


"Oh! They sent me off to prison for killing my wife!"


She thought for a second, and then said to him ~ "Oh? So you mean your single?"

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Now, you just need to do one more thing:

Just one:




Change your damned negative forum name!!!


(either ask Tony to help, or just register under a new name!)

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To just name a few?


Self supporting, independent non-supplicating, non parasitic women that want a good solid man ~ but don't and won't settle for just any man

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woohoo broken hearted!:love:


Im in a very similar position to yourself. Financially secure with an incredible future ahead of me and my 3 kids. I do understand that many on here are not as lucky as me financially but i would like to think every single one of you on here will be content and happy in their future.:love::love::love: and soon.


Best of luck BH you deserve every happyness in the world.


nobby xxxxxxx

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Thanks Trippi and Tojaz!


A year ago, I never would have ever expected to be at the point I am emotionally. I truly am happier than I have ever been before. I am finally realizing who I am, what makes me happy, and what I have to offer to a man and to be honest, I have a whole lot to offer to someone.


I had also given up hope that there were any men out there that were as amazing as you, Tojaz, but I have been dating someone for the last 3-4 months who would give you a run for your money ;).


And it doesn't hurt that I'm feeling damn good about myself! I'm looking just as good as I did in high school...:D


Awww, looks like i blew my chance at a great girl! How come theres no good hearted women around here? :(

Thanks for the compliment my dear, coming from you that means a lot!


Congrats Broken hes a very lucky man Dont ever let him forget that!



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The joke is on you! This is why I will NEVER marry again nor co-habit (aka Shack-up) with another woman again.


From the jump-start? Male to female birth are 49% to 51% ~ that is to say that there are more more female births than male births.


With growing age ~ because men do stupid things such as mountain climbing, bungee jumping, riding motorcycles, enlisting into the military, going into combat, dirt bike racing, race car driving, committing crimes and going to prison etc.


There are less and less "good" available men as women age?


Thus the old joke about an elderly woman living in a retirement community in Florida?


As she went about her daily walk she sat down on a bench to enjoy the sun and the sea breeze.


And elderly gentleman sat down on the opposite of the bench?


She spoke to him and told him that she'd never seen him out and about?


"Oh I lived here years ago!"


"Where have you been since you lived here before?" she asked?


"Oh! They sent me off to prison for killing my wife!"


She thought for a second, and then said to him ~ "Oh? So you mean your single?"



Serves him right for cheating on his young pregnant W and putting her through h*ll.

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To just name a few?


Self supporting, independent non-supplicating, non parasitic women that want a good solid man ~ but don't and won't settle for just any man


Thank you for the compliment Gunny....hard lessons to learn....but yes, don't settle.


I just hope not to be the woman in the nursing home!! LOL!!


How come theres no good hearted women around here? :(



LOL!!! You know, there are a lot of good hearted women out here asking the same thing about why there are no good hearted men. :p:D


On both sides however, I'm sure there are both men and women scratching their heads wondering that as well.

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  • 1 year later...
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broken hearted

Wow! It's amazing to go back and read some of these posts and threads by "broken hearted".


It feels so good to see how far I've come and how amazing my life is compared to what I felt back in these torturous days. :)


I wonder how everyone else who helped me through these times are doing. If you guys are out there, let me know... I'd love to hear.

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My friend bh:


So glad to hear from you


I am still here, still with my lady, in a few months it will be 17 years, we have had an great summer, the love just keeps growing. I am still amazed that such a beautiful woman can be so selfless .


Alas, Gunny quit posting just before Christmas, a big loss for LS, so many of the new posters are missing out


Tojaz still occasionaly posts, and as always they are great.


I just noticed that Phineas is still posting on the dating site.


feelinglonely posted a couple of months back, he sounded like he had happily moved on from his ex. Last I heard he was happily dating


How about you?


How are the little ones? She is coming up on two?


Details, please!


More later, have to quit, we have a lightening storm moving through


Your friend Gallon

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Gallon, so great to hear from you. I'm so glad that you are doing well. I can't believe that you still remember me and some of my story. You're right...my daughter is coming up on 2 years old in mid September. She is such a joy, such a little sweetheart, and so fun.


My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 1.5 years now. He is an unbelievable man who is everything I've dreamed of and everything I know I deserve. He is wonderful with my son and daughter and treats them very well. He is successful, caring, generous, compassionate, sweet, his family is amazing, the list goes on and on. We are both very happy and believe there is a future together...though I will not be rushing into marriage tomorrow.


I keep in contact with Tojaz and we exchange emails or texts occasionally.


Has anyone heard from LisaUK?

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 1.5 years now. He is an unbelievable man who is everything I've dreamed of and everything I know I deserve.


Really liking this Broken! :bunny::bunny::bunny: So happy for you.

While i don't post as much as i used to, I'm still here watching and sticking my nose in when I think someones listening.


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How could we forget a beautiful young woman, with a great looking little man in his tux, being dumped while with child, and forced to ride out the last months of her pregnancy alone, while taking care of his first kid.


What an idiot! Is he still with the skank?


I truly am happy for you, and am a little envious, I got to watch my GF's grand daughter go through her 2's and 3's, and it was a joy.


Also, I get to tell you I told you so, that once you finally dumped the Ex in your mind some one so much better would soon be knocking on your door


As for my GF, having been through a divorce, I truly never thought that I would ever be able to trust another woman in my life, and then to find one so good looking, and so giving and kind is amazing. She actually rushes home every day from work to be with me.

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Hi BH ,For those of us that are still in the middle of the "process" It is so great to read such a positive outcome

I went back and read your earlier story and where you are now is fantastic.:)

Well done on your journey and that the light at the end of the tunnel can be very bright indeed when you finally reach it, I hope mine is just as successful!


Thank you and all the best

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Yes, he is still with the other woman. They have bought a house together and she plays "step-mom" to my kids when they are with him. She is good to my children and that's all I can ask for.


Damia-I can't sugarcoat it...it was a long, bumpy, painful road to get to where I am today...but I can honestly say that I am far happier than I have ever been before. My future is looking much better now that the fog has cleared, the pain has vanished, and my ducks are in order. I am proud of myself for everything I've overcome and I can only pray that my parents and friends are too. :)

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BH - so happy for you, after what you went through, this is a blessing for you and your babies. Live well and love much. ;)

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