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I met this girl... does she like me (and more) *urgent :(*

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Hi again




Yesterday I met a wonderfull girl at a party. We danced all night long, not just in group, but actually just the 2 of us.

Ofcourse we also talked, but then again, talking on a party is rather difficult with the music pumpin. And well, most of the talking was done by her, since I really don't know what to say (as posted here) Often i didn't understood what she said, because of the music, so sometimes i replied rather dumb things, or just smiled. silly me :(



I 'tried' saying nice things. (for example... she asked when I was leaving.. I said whenever you're leaving.. and I asked when are you leaving? she said something like 2oclock... but i'm going to call my dad to ask if i can stay longer)

She also asked if I wanted to come to a certain party (and vice versa)



Well anyway. When she had to leave she said ill see you monday at school! do u have MSN? (I was thinking.... woohoow!)


Anyway, this morning she came online... her name was something like xxxlove youxxx .... she has a friend!!! Oh no i tought, I was ready to kill myself! (well..maybe not, but u know what i mean)



so i talked to a friend(actually just a classmate) of her, who was also at the party

she says that the girl I like -claims- to have a friend, living 150km away from here, and when this friend of her asked for a pic.. the one time she says i forgot, the next time another friend borrowed it, then her mom threw it away dusting off, etc...

this classmate tought it was rather weird, and tought she was lying.



Anyway. A millisecond after she came online she started talking to me. Nothing special, just some talking about the party, and that we both had fun.

she had to go, so she said "sorry i have to go" "ill see you later on msn" "in 30 mins or something" "bye cya in 30 mins xxxxx"



30 minutes later she comes online again. Again, within a millisecond she started talking to me.

She said this: "melissa (that certain friend) started asking stuff about if I like u and stuff" "she must think something wrong?" ":D" *yada yada* "she always thinks something different i dont like that about her"



So I say "yeh she asked me the same question" ... she replies "and????"

I reply "ofcourse ;)" ":P"

and she says "thanks"



(later i asked the friend what she responded to that question.. but the friend claims she asked "do you think he's un? (or swell dunno the right word), not do u like him.) and she replyed yes)



we talked some more, but nothing special

when she had to go she said something like this:



"hey i gotta go make my homework and then i'll be back" "bye"


so i say "bye xx"

she says: ";) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

I say: :)

she says: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I say: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :p

she says: not too much of that eh

i say: :p

she says: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

she says: now go make your homework



So. my questions.

1. Do you think she is lying about her boyfriend?

2. Do you think she likes me... more then just a friend?

3. What do you think should be my approach?

4. Do you think I'm loosing it? That i'm LOOOOOSING my senses? DO YOU?HUH!? :p


ps: I think lots of the things are said arent correctly translated into english, because I didnt know the right word in english I used a synonim that came close to it, and sometimes I think it wasnt that "negative" as written here

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Well first off, does she have a boyfreind? I didnt see that anywhere. If she has a boyfreind, then take it easy unless you know she is free. Second, she likes you, and maybe wants to try a relationship with you. As for her freind, do you think maybe she likes you too? and the girl you like was trying to set you up? In any case, if you want to get closer to this girl, ask if she would like to go out sometime, see what she says. If you think it might mess up your freindship as it stands then give it some time, see what she does. And no your not loosing your mind.

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sorry, I'm now seeing that my previous post is rather hard to translate in normal english.

She had a friend, she claimed, but nobody ever saw him etc.


So, i asked her

she said she is breaking up/broken up because she doesnt see him much




she asked if i wanted to get to know her better .. giong to the movies or something .. :D:D

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im already shaking.. what to say.. etc..

i dont have experience in relationships.. so i dont know what to do.. and stuff .. :s

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So........if shes interested, be the first to ask her to do something, ask her if she wants to go to a movie, or take a walk alone or something. Everything takes time, and I'm happy that you have a chance for what you wanted. It depends on how fast you get to know her as to where your relationship will lead. Just dont take things to fast if you want it to work out.

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Originally posted by lquidmetalspine

So........if shes interested, be the first to ask her to do something, ask her if she wants to go to a movie, or take a walk alone or something. Everything takes time, and I'm happy that you have a chance for what you wanted. It depends on how fast you get to know her as to where your relationship will lead. Just dont take things to fast if you want it to work out.

Here's how it went

she said "i heard that you asked melissa what I tought of u"

me: "ehh well that was because u said she asked u :p"

she: well i think your a very fun person!!!!!!!

*random bla-bla*

me: too bad we couldnt talk properly because of the music

she: yeah, maybe we should get to know eachother better

*random bla-bla*

she: do u live near the theater? yeah huh

me: yes kind of

me: we could go to the theater sometime? if u like

she: yes that was a hint! :p

she: hihihi

me: so.. thats a yes? :p

she: what do u think ?

me: i certainly hope so :D

she: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesyesyesyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!

she: a bit exagurated :p

so.. in theory.. i asked it first.. :)


by the way. When you say "dont take things too fast"... What are you talking about? I'm guessing sex, but I'm not even thinking of that right now.

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yesterday 22.00 she said "gotta make a phone call be back in 5 mins"


she didnt came online since .. (its 13.15 here atm)


Should i be worried?

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Good god man, she likes you, ask her to go out with you. Don't worry if she has a boyfriend, she isn't married. I know you are thinking that she didn't sign back on is a bad sign, but in reality she probably had some good reason, she clearly likes you.


I know you have trouble talking to girls. I read the other post. If you want to get better at it, you gotta practice. Ask her out, and worry about what to say when you are together. Don't sweat it, as long as you don't say anything obscene, you probably won't change her feelings for you, and be honest with answers to her questions. Also, ask her questions about herself. Ask her things that you would like to know about her, AND DON'T HIDE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HER

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Originally posted by InvinoVeritas

Good god man, she likes you, ask her to go out with you. Don't worry if she has a boyfriend, she isn't married. I know you are thinking that she didn't sign back on is a bad sign, but in reality she probably had some good reason, she clearly likes you.


I know you have trouble talking to girls. I read the other post. If you want to get better at it, you gotta practice. Ask her out, and worry about what to say when you are together. Don't sweat it, as long as you don't say anything obscene, you probably won't change her feelings for you, and be honest with answers to her questions. Also, ask her questions about herself. Ask her things that you would like to know about her, AND DON'T HIDE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HER


Thanks for the tips.


Status update: she asked me to go to the cinema friday .. ofcourse i said yes

but anyway after school she was standing somewhere and i passed by she said something like "cant come to the party on thursday sorry but ill ask my parents again.." i say .. ok no problem, ill see you on MSN (thinking she had to go)

but what seems? she had to go same way as me.. i was just walking 2 meters in front of her. stupid me

so when i got back home i send a sms to her "sorry that i didnt say much earlier today i tought u had to go sorry"

and she sends back "no problem its allright if u do it. Sorry but i think i cant make it and im not allowed to go thursday .. bye maybe cya later xxx love u"


Do you think it bothers her i didnt say much? it was also because i got freaked out and didnt know what to say etc..

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Well to answer you first question on what I meant about taking it slow, has little to do with sex. See relationships can go two main ways I think. The first is saying you both like eachother, and go at it like animals not taking the time to know eachother and the next thing you know, your married to a woman who just wants sex and expects you to do it all the time (just an example) and your the type of person that wants to do it for the feelings involved and being close typa thing.


The second is taking your time in the relationship, getting to know eachother for who you both really are, and what you like etc etc. if you take your time, not rushing into things that you both lust, like sex (theres the small part) then you get to know her better, and you get to see what she really is like. Then by the time you both think you are ready to marry, you both know eachother and know that things wont end up a mess in the end, with you having two kids with her and paying out the ying.


As far as you thinking about her putting things off, I wouldnt worry about it. It seems you really like her, and think of her highly, but thats what I mean. Its to early to get to attached. Be yourself, see what happens, talk to her more, go out a little more. Maybe the last time she thought you were not as interesting as she thought, but then again you were being a little shy. Talk to her like you like her, flirt a little more. But above all, dont stop thinking of her as a freind (even though you might be more). Sit back and have fun right now, dont rush it, see what she does and what she thinks about you. Maybe in a week or so, she will make her feelings or whatever shes hiding, (if thats the case) available to you. Good luck.

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Originally posted by lquidmetalspine

Well to answer you first question on what I meant about taking it slow, has little to do with sex. See relationships can go two main ways I think. The first is saying you both like eachother, and go at it like animals not taking the time to know eachother and the next thing you know, your married to a woman who just wants sex and expects you to do it all the time (just an example) and your the type of person that wants to do it for the feelings involved and being close typa thing.


The second is taking your time in the relationship, getting to know eachother for who you both really are, and what you like etc etc. if you take your time, not rushing into things that you both lust, like sex (theres the small part) then you get to know her better, and you get to see what she really is like. Then by the time you both think you are ready to marry, you both know eachother and know that things wont end up a mess in the end, with you having two kids with her and paying out the ying.


As far as you thinking about her putting things off, I wouldnt worry about it. It seems you really like her, and think of her highly, but thats what I mean. Its to early to get to attached. Be yourself, see what happens, talk to her more, go out a little more. Maybe the last time she thought you were not as interesting as she thought, but then again you were being a little shy. Talk to her like you like her, flirt a little more. But above all, dont stop thinking of her as a freind (even though you might be more). Sit back and have fun right now, dont rush it, see what she does and what she thinks about you. Maybe in a week or so, she will make her feelings or whatever shes hiding, (if thats the case) available to you. Good luck.


whow. ;)


I think there's something you should know. I'm only 17 (turning 18 end of february) and she's 16.. turning 17 this year. So there's NO way at all I'm talking about marriage.. (I'm feeling like I'm on the wrong forum lol)


Anyway. Thanks for the tips. That's what I'll try to do. I'm pretty sure she likes me, else she wouldnt look at me all day long, send messages to my gsm , always ending with love u... looking forward to being with u.. etc


We decided to go to the cinema on friday, to get to know eachother better etc. After that we'll see. But once again, I'm afraid she won't like me anymore, because i don't have anything to say or tell her :| I think she will think I'm a boring person. I probably am too. I'm already thinking about what to say to her when she comes online in a couple of minutes, and trying to hold back some stuff, so I have something to say tomorrow


But who knows, when I'm more comfortable with her, it will be easier?

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I'm starting to be afraid here...

So we're going to the movies on friday.. we're going to walk there.. afterwards get a drink..

I have absolutely NO clue whatsoever what im going to tell her all night long.


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Well lol, I didnt mean it any way like that. It doesnt matter how old you are as far as taking it slow with someone to ensure that your relationship is going right. In other words, marriage wasnt crossing my ming when replying. Sorry if thats what it looked like. I was simply saying that if you rush into a relationship, things could go bad, but if you take your time to make sure things go ok, then your relationship will take time to grow instead of rushing into sex, or getting attached to soon, dont take that wrong, I was just saying that if you get into a person that is someone that you didnt want to get into after all, and you get to attached, you could get hurt a little more then you wished.


As far as your being afraid of what she will think, dont think like that, be yourself, tell her how you feel about what you said. " she'll think im boring" tell her that. Tell her that you are afraid she'll think that she might see you as boring, but you want to give all you have into getting to know her, and you just want things to go right. Have fun at the movie, and hold her hand. Non of that trying to slip your arm around her. BE CONFIDENT. Dont be afraid to kiss her, if you think she will like that. Or ask her things that she might like to talk about. People like talking about themselves. Remember that.

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I can see how you thought I was talken about marriage, it was just an example of how far a relationship can go, and what can happen in both situations.

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ok i see :p


As a matter a fact, a friend of me said the same thing. You cant really love someone when you only know him\her a week( or not know him\her at all.)


But I think we ARE doing that, or actually she is. we barely know eachother, but she does send me these sweet messages assuming things. (e.g. kissing)

I just KNOW I'm going to like her, everything has been wonderfull so far, but i'm afraid she isn't going to like me back, because i'm not really an interesting person, I think she's someone who I'm not. (I think she thinks I'm this rather cool type,lots of talking, lots of fun, because I'm like that at parties, but not somewhere else.)

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but i'm afraid she isn't going to like me back, because i'm not really an interesting person, I think she's someone who I'm not. (I think she thinks I'm this rather cool type,lots of talking, lots of fun, because I'm like that at parties, but not somewhere else.)


She already likes you. I bet you are way more interesting than you give yourself credit for. Besides, she's not looking for a TV show, you don't have to keep her entertained. Just talk to her. Let it flow, it'll come out

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Originally posted by InvinoVeritas

She already likes you. I bet you are way more interesting than you give yourself credit for. Besides, she's not looking for a TV show, you don't have to keep her entertained. Just talk to her. Let it flow, it'll come out


How can she really like me when she doesn't really know me yet. We talked a bit at the party just making fun etc, talkin on msn but no real serious conversations, just random bull**** like how was the party , and its hard to talk to her at school, loads of "sweet" smses like miss u etc.

I'm just scared she wont like me anymore when she notices i dont have much to tell, but i guess it will work out if i dont worry too much

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f*ck im goin crazy.

she was online and it was clearly we both didnt really know what to say

after a minute talking she suddenly says

"I dont have really much to say"


"But i want to tell you something because i dont want to be a plant"

then she asks... do you do anything besides school and friends (meaning do u do sports)

so i answer no i usually hang out with mates or something (so untrue. most of the time im on pc , but that would just be stupid to say.) (u think she minds i dont do sports?)


(plant= the term we used at that party because everybody but us was standing still.. we called them plants.. like someone who cant speak move hear etc who're just lying in a hospital..)


anyway i asked something dunno what then she said "u ever had a serious relationship?" and i said "no i never met the right girl but i think i just did" (do u think she minds i never had a relationship?).. i asked .. and you?

she said .. yes , for 1 year, but he had an accident (ouch wrong subject!, altough she might be lieing about this again lol)


anyway then she says "i can have a relationship with u but just not yet i only broke up yesterday with a serious fight"

" and i dont "connect" to boys fast like some girls do"


anyway , then a mate of me came in so i said mate's here can we talk about something else and she saids "ah ok np ill come back in an hour orso"

"okey bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


1 hour later she comes back online and says "hey i missed u already!"

well anyway she asked what s your perfect girl.. i answer "a sweet person, and with who i amuse myself"


and she replied "hehe i always look for boys who aren't a plant"

(/me is shaking because i think im a plant.. just not at parties.)

then this party came up, which she asked me to go to, on valentine

she said something like "what do we say when they see we re coming together" etc

she says: "we ll just tell em "its valentine!" hehe!"

i say: they will understand when they see us entering togeter :p

she: ye probably but they shouldnt think that fast

she: (not that i would think its bad hehe)

then she starts talking about clothes, what cloths i would like to see a girl wear

i say "nothing "chique" just normal clothes"

but i think she was wondering if i had a problem that she wears sport cloths (i dont)



well anyway a bit more talkin about or brothers and sisters etc..

then she had to go

she said

Hey i gotta go my brother wants to be on pc maybe cya later

(i was like.. wtf? no xxx? no love u?)

so i typed "ok bye :( xxx (l) (k)" but not pressed enter untill she said this

i love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



and she went offline



What do u think about this. IMHO its not really good. especially because she didnt know what to say, and suddenly she says she doesnt connect to guys fast (while she was talking about kissing and massaging the other day!)

Do u think im finished?

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You worry too much. I am the same way, like if I know a girl goes online every day at a certain time and they aren't or they get back from work I start to worry that they are ot interested. Which isnt true. It is hard to not worry sometimes, specially when you like someone, but you have to try really hard. She prolly does like you, just keep talking to her, if she needs time b4 she can date you then give her the time, but still talk to her, then when she is ready ask her out.

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Originally posted by Darkangelism

You worry too much. I am the same way, like if I know a girl goes online every day at a certain time and they aren't or they get back from work I start to worry that they are ot interested. Which isnt true. It is hard to not worry sometimes, specially when you like someone, but you have to try really hard. She prolly does like you, just keep talking to her, if she needs time b4 she can date you then give her the time, but still talk to her, then when she is ready ask her out.


I want to!! really!! but i dont know what to say !!

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Well I have to agree with dark, I think that she is having a hard time getting over this guy, if shes not lying that is. But like I said, take it slow, things take time anyways. As far as her having to get off reall fast, dont worry about that either, people that are in a rush often get things over with fast, so she probably had to go at that moment. Either way, she wants to have a relationship with you, and see she wants to take it slow too. get to know you before she makes any decisions.

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You know what? I'm going through the same situation - but the other way around...with a guy. I really like this guy, he's totally sweet and we goof around but I don't know if he likes me back or what. It's a pain in the ass!

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Originally posted by rockstarmusician

You know what? I'm going through the same situation - but the other way around...with a guy. I really like this guy, he's totally sweet and we goof around but I don't know if he likes me back or what. It's a pain in the ass!


Well that actually doesn't resemble to my story (anymore) since im sure she likes me, but I just don't know how to talk to her, how to have fun, etc. I dont know what to say, don't know what to do, you say you goof around, thats what I'd like to do. how do u goof around with him?

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Dude, here's a tip. Stay off the computer or at least stay invisible to her. Don't use the computer or telephone to chit-chat with a woman. You're lowering your intrigue. She's using the pc to do her own reconnaisance mission. You're just lowering her interest in you when you have these long chat sessions.


You only use the pc or the phone to set up a date.

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