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Somewhat Confused!!

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This girl and I have been friends for over a year now. I would like to have a relationship with her more then friendship, but I am having a hard time telling if she feels the same. I don't want to come right out and say that I would like more then friendship that is just not how I am. She keeps telling me that I remind her so much of her old boyfriend. She dated this guy for about 2 years and things just didn't work out. Everytime I am with her and just the stuff I say and the actions that I do she said reminds her of her old boyfriend. Does this mean anything?

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Yes, it means your behavior reminds her of her old boyfriend. And since she is no longer with her old boyfriend, remarks like that aren't good.


You are living a lie if you are around her as a platonic friend yet wanting more. You simply need to tell her that if she should ever be so inclined, you would like to upgrade the friendship and date her. If her reaction is positive, then discuss it further. If not, well.... If the friendship is ruined, there's no big loss because you are simply torturing yourself being with someone with whom you want to be so much more than a friend.


You need to talk to her soon or you may find her one day introducing you to her new steady boyfriend who is going to be taking up all her time. Now wouldn't you just love that?

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It was really wierd because her boyfriend and her just broke up because of a little age difference and also she just didn't have enough time to have a relationship. She told me this herself and she would never lie. She is a very honest person.


The other night we kind of sit down and just talked for about 6 hours about our lives and stuff like that. Everytime I would say anything she would just say that I remind her of her ex. She would almost get that star eyed look if you know what I mean. That was really about all. She told me that she still cares for him and she always will. It is almost like she remembers them doing things and almost misses having someone around, but she told me that him and her will never date again. I just am still confused about the situation.

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She is still getting over that old relationship but that doesn't make matters any better for you.


You are much better off seeking someone who is emotionally ready for dating and for someone special. You are simply barking up the wrong tree by being anything more than a buddy to this lady...but it's your life.


Have a great weekend.

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