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Drug free after 20 years


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I left my husband of 18 years last September. From day one we were enablers to eachother. In California we got hooked on Meth....moved back to Ohio to get away from it....only to find Cocaine....many years living as a functional drug addict. So much money spent....destroyed our relationship. The only way I could get away from it was to just leave him. No more New Year's resolutions of "this is the last time we are doing this". It's tragic really....he was the love of my life and I was his....but together we were toxic and needed to escape from reality. I am now 43, unemployed and living in my mom's basement. I am lonely even though I have a boyfriend....I have no drive at the moment. Hoping to go back to school in the fall and waiting to see if I have been accepted. I am volunteering for several organizations....but none of them take up enough of my time. I have no money to go out, shop, have fun. I just need some help here in getting my head together. I don't miss the drugs....I do miss the man some what....but I must move on. It does not help that my new boyfriend (I have known him for 30 years) has all kinds of dysfunction himself....he is at least working now after going through his own break-up and escape from drugs. He has sexual dysfunction and it is breaking my heart. He says it's not me....but I am feeling unattractive and like I am just not "IT" for him. I am already on anti-depressants....just don't know what do to to find myself. I was layed off from my 24 yr career recently. Any suggestions?

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it is best to just do today...


if it seems more distracting to have the boyfriend or harder to stay sober with the demands he may have - it may be best to do this on your own for now... until you ind out what the "new you" actually looks like.


keep moving forward, congrats! sober on!

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First off, HUGE congrats on your sobriety! I'm a recovering meth addict too! I was addicted for 5 years, and this year marks my 4th year of sobriety! The first 2 years of my sobriety were very hard. I went into isolation, and didn't know how to connect with others. I had no friends because all the "friends" I had were in the dope circle. Starting over completely was scary, but I got there! I went back to school, and became a Photographer. That's also where I met my SO. :)


How long have you been sober? Depression is very normal after getting off meth. Since you were on it for so long, maybe counseling would really help you? Are you in any kind of treatment? I'm not familiar with rehabilitation centers because I quit cold turkey.


If you ever wanna chat, or need someone to talk to.. PM me!

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I was on Meth for about 2 years...then Cocaine for about 18. I quit cold turkey when I walked out the door. Luckily my friends, who are all sober, have re-connected with me. They had no idea why I was such a flake....and why i just wasn't around anymore. I came clean to them all about what my problem was. I didn't do therapy or a program...I simply removed my self from the situation and people that enabled my drug use. I feel good and have not once looked for drugs. I have just had so many changes in my life over the past year....moved out from my house, lost my job, got sober....tied up in bankruptcy with hubby with no end in sight....he has all my pets as I can't have them where I am at. I always have to approach a situation with "what is the worst that can happen"....the answer is that none of this will kill me....I just need to get through it!

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