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this is in regards to a previous post i had "sisterhood" well as the time to go is nearing (5 days). i have been experiencing alot of anxiety, stress, fear, diarrhea, sweats, crying, light headedness, all stress related, (no, i'm not sick) unfortunately i know my body and the signs i get from antisipatory anxiety. i don't know what to do, the only thing that will relieve it is if i don't go. i am so nervous just about the drive alone. my b'f and daughter are going to, so i'm not alone anyway, but still i am so freaked out, i can't handle this tension anymore. i've tried relaxation and visualization but as soon as i stop it all comes back. any suggestions for a freaked out person? devon

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You can either go to see the doctor, who will probably prescribe temporary meds, or call up your family and talk to them. Talking can assuage your feelings of nervousness because you'll have a handle on the situation.


A few weeks ago I was going to visit my fiancee's parents. His younger sister and cousins were there, too, as well as his gradparents. Talk about stress!!! I went to the doctor and she prescribed me five xanax. I took half of one each night and slept very peacefully and then was able to handle the day.


I told the doctor I didn't want something forever, just to help me handle the stress I was feeling now. After a few days I was able to deal with them without taking hte medication and that made me feel really good. She also prescribed me five sleeping pills once when I had a very bad breakup. After that week, i felt better beceause being well-rested made me calmer and more able to handle the situation.


it's not so bad for you, and somtimes it's just plain necessary.

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thank you, maybe i will do that....anything to get through this....i can't believe how stressed i am....i can't even eat.........and that is adding to my mysery.......devon

You can either go to see the doctor, who will probably prescribe temporary meds, or call up your family and talk to them. Talking can assuage your feelings of nervousness because you'll have a handle on the situation. A few weeks ago I was going to visit my fiancee's parents. His younger sister and cousins were there, too, as well as his gradparents. Talk about stress!!! I went to the doctor and she prescribed me five xanax. I took half of one each night and slept very peacefully and then was able to handle the day. I told the doctor I didn't want something forever, just to help me handle the stress I was feeling now. After a few days I was able to deal with them without taking hte medication and that made me feel really good. She also prescribed me five sleeping pills once when I had a very bad breakup. After that week, i felt better beceause being well-rested made me calmer and more able to handle the situation. it's not so bad for you, and somtimes it's just plain necessary.
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For you to have such a violent anticipatory reaction to having a reunion with your family, they must have been a lot worse than you described in your post.


I would still go. Devon's suggestions are excellent. In addition, you might take several friends along for support.


If the meds don't seem to work, then just don't go. You are nervous because you feel trapped into having to go. If you know you have the freedom to retreat and not go, you won't feel nearly as nervous.


I wish I had the same reaction when I was about to eat fattening foods.

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Hi Devon,


You're trying to work through years of bad feelings in a matter of days. No wonder your body is rebelling.


I hope you press on to attend the family reunion so that you never have to face this fear and dread again.


Just wondering... is there anyway you could schedule your trip to arrive a little before the family reunion? Family reunions can be a little overwhelming under the best of circumstances. Perhaps you could schedule a little time to see a sister or two before everyone comes together as a group. (The army of people you're facing may seem smaller and less formidable if you're able to meet them one on one).


I'm just hoping you may be able to have some quiet, re-bonding, forgiving time with a sister most likely to accept and support you before you step in front of the whole group. Once they see the strong person you've become I'm betting you will find your sisters become your strongest allies.


I would like to hope this visit will be rosy and healing for you but keep in mind that should the worst happen and you face some unforgiving souls on this trip its okay to leave. Allow yourself the freedom to escape if needed.


Stick to your guns now and put your past to rest by taking this step to rebuild. Keep your head held high and show them the woman you've become. You're stronger than you know.


Don't forget the joys of today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

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