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i won!


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Hey guys, just had to tell someone- I won my small claims case against my emotionally and verbally abusive ex. We lived together and he defaulted on bills. Now his new girlfriend will be cutting me a check for 400 dollars! ha!


also, advice for anyone still in this kind of situation- remember to ALWAYS document every incident of abuse, it can be just in your own journal or something- date it, and keep all records of texts, calls, etc in case you have to go to court later-even your own journal is admissible evidence. Don't be afraid to call the police if you need to. There were many times when I should have but didn't. If I had kept better records, everyone would know the things he's said and done. I would have had the evidence to get an order of protection against him but I don't have that now. It's turned out all right for me, the rest is up to karma, but here is one happy ending.

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congratulations on your court win, but more importantly, a HUGE congratulations for coming to the understanding that abuse is not something that should be suffered. I'm really proud of you for getting out of the situation and standing up for yourself.


as for karma kicking him in the keister ... well, let's just say that a healthy, successful YOU is about the best payback that basturd can get, you know? :cool:

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