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My ex and his gf invited to the same party as me..should I go?


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My stbx and I have been separated for just over a year. He cheated on me with his gf and now lives with her across town. This is still a very sore spot in my life. My ex and I don't have a very amicble relationship, mainly due to the way our marriage ended.


Both my stbx and I were invited to a party of mutual friends of ours. I found out that my ex will be attending, along with his gf. I was planning on going until I found out that he's attending with her. I have not met her yet and I'm not ready to either.


Everyone else who's invited to this party know that he cheated on me and left me for her. I just can't bring myself to go to the party, knowing that everyone knows what happened. I would feel completely humiliated. It would also kill me to see the two of them together.


What should I do? I don't think I have the strenght to go. Help!

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If seeing him would make you even the slightest bit uncomfortable, don't go. I'm with Treasa -- you can find something much more fabulous to do!

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Don't go, but make sure you plan something else for that night with non-mutual friends, and that way you won't sit at home thinking about it.


If you're still raw about the whole situation (which is v. understandable), then going to the party and trying to put on a brave face will be impossible. I did something similar and had to leave as soon as they walked in together - not fun.

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Don't make the same mistake as me. I went to my ex girlfriend's party. Found out she's involved with some dude. And she treated me like total **** the whole night. I regret being such a buzz kill that night, but I couldn't help it.


Go out with some of your buddies. People who CARE about you.


Good luck to ya :)

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I would only recommend going if you can 100% say that you no longer care about your ex and his gf.


Judging from you post "I'm still in a very sore spot", I would say you are no way near ready to put yourself in that situation.


I've done it before and I tell you what it was even worse then when I found out I was being cheated on.


Go somewhere else and have a great time, you'll thank all of us when you do.


Do you really want to give him the ego boosting satisfaction that your still not over him?

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[quote=smartblonde;2857531I'm not ready to either.


I just can't bring myself to go to the party, knowing that everyone knows what happened. I would feel completely humiliated. It would also kill me to see the two of them together.


What should I do? I don't think I have the strenght to go. Help!




Just from what you said you are not ready to go. I wouldn't go. It is only going to make you feel worse and you will end up not having a good time at all. I am not sure where you are on the grieving scale, but this could be a huge set back too. Stay home and try to distract yourself from what is going on at the party.

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Thanks everyone for all your replies. I have told my friends that I am unable to attend. I didn't explain why but I think they know. I told them I would drop by a few days before the party to deliver my congratulations personally (it their wedding anniversary).


Crisis averted...whew!


But one day, I know I'm going to have to climb this mountain...I can't avoid them forever.

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