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Just sex with a married woman ... is it ok?

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I need some advice.


This married woman (29 years old) fancies me and she has asked me to have sex with her and even written me a poem for me. Im not sure (17 years old) if it is a good idea. of course it would be great, but she is kind of keniving and very difficult to see where she is coming from. She is married but does not love her husband, and has 2 kids. she wants to drive out into an empty car park this week and have sex in her car.


I know its a bad idea, but still if i knew 100% i woudlnt have a guilty Conscience after and there would be no strings attached then i think it would be a great experience.


Some one help me. I tossed my lucky coin and it said no. Help!

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Heads or tails, it's a bad idea.


It might be a great experience--but see where you play into this. You're right, she's using you--you're her pawn to act out in her unhappy relationship. You have to ask yourself whether you can contribute to the demise of the marriage of another--it's not about getting caught.

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no it is not OK!


you are maybe too immature ( no offense ) to realise this but if you were married how would you like your wife playing around?


your lucky coin is right, go find a girl your own age anyway, not some 29year old slag


also as you may find the older you get that good sex or meaningful sex is only ever worthwhile ( in my experienced opinion ) when you are with a partner you love


i did the one night stands for a long long time and when i compare them to the good relationships i have had they were an absolute embaressment because they were so bad


stay away from that idiot, she is TROUBLE!!! trust me!

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Dude, don't do it. She may be willing to wreck her marriage and shatter her kids' life of security and stability, but don't let her make you her accomplice. She'll find somebody with few morals to help her with that, and you'll find somebody else to have sex with.


Just ask yourself: do you WANT to be a guy who helped break up a family? True, you swore no vows with her husband, but there will still be blame left over for you. You will have gone into it knowing she was married and knowing what the natural consequences of your actions would be. In law, that's the same as wanting to hurt her husband and kids. You don't sound like you're thrilled with that idea.


To quote Confucius: "To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice."


There's a lot to be said for being able to sleep at night, knowing that, when put to the test, you did what was right. Way better than spending your life feeling like you have to make amends or apologize for your actions.

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No, it's not OK. Even though it would no doubt be very difficult to walk away from this seeming windfall.


I remember that one poster (jmargel perhaps?) said that an affair he had with an unhappily married woman gave him the "shallowest feeling ever". AND she got clingy afterwards, and then he had to dump her and felt like a heel.


Are you going to do it anyway?

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Kid, don't do it. You don't know what you might be getting yourself into.


A story that was passed along to me. My ex girlfriend's brother had an affair with a woman under similar circumstances. I think he was about 18 at the time, and she was in her mid 30s. Well, this lady's husband found out about it and went after my ex's brother. It was a pretty intense situation for a while. Nothing happened, but it could have been ugly.


Don't get yourself involved in this.

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If only life were like the movies.


In the movies, you'd have great no strings attached sex and everybody lives happily ever after.


In real life, the sex is hurried and over in a blink of the eye. The woman tells her husband about your car date to get even with him. He divorces her, the kids lose a father, and dad comes after your a** for f**king his then wife, and sexually humiliating him.


I'm not even going to mention STDs and pregnancy. Child support at 18--how grand!


Don't go there, young man. Just take it as a compliment and move on.

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It wasn't the scenario, I'm sure it has happened, it was the presentation. My gut feeling is that it's made up.

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No, I don't think this was a made-up question.

I know a few cases of teenager boys who did have sex with married women because she wanted...


In fact, it almost happened to me, when I was 16, a married woman then 26 and with children, used

to ask me a lot of questions about sex, get too intimate, stay in underware only when her husband was

not home, and even touch my penis a couple of times. This woman was my uncle's wife, so I got scared

and never took the step to go further. This happened especially during a summer that I spent with them.


Some time later I even wrote a letter to her, telling her that I wanted her (sort of telling her I was ready),

but in the last minute, I couldn't give it to her (I gave her a ride to the airport and had the letter prepared).


For some time I though it was bad that I didn't take the opporunity, but later I found out she told

everything to my uncle, so I am infinitely glad I didn't end having sex with her. It would have been

a terrible, life-long experience.

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Don't do it.. I had sex w/ a married chick. It was about a year & a half ago. I was 28 & she was 34. Married 18 years (she married young). We were friends and it went a step too far. It was a very shallow feeling for me and I was at a low point in my life. She on the other hand a week later came over to my house to tell me she's in love with me. It was a very awkward moment, and she got very pissed when I told her I didnt love her back. She threatened to tell her husband, which I told her if she needed to, then go ahead. Its something i'll always regret, sleeping w/ her.


Dude, no sex is worth that kinda trouble you are about to put yourself in. More than likely she's done it with quite a few others. Don't let her try to sweet talk you into anything. Keep your pride. You deserve better.

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Final thought...it's interesting that she goes after a 17 year old boy. Why do I keep thinking that she tried some 20-something guys and they all turned her down because they didn't think a backseat quickie was worth being caught in a 110 mph manure storm?


Reminder to all: It is unwise to have sex with someone you distrust and consider "conniving".

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Okay, let me get this straight. You are asking yourself if it is okay to sleep with a married woman???? Picture yourself ten years down the road, married, would it be okay if your wife just slept with someone else?? I didn't think so, please don't do it.

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