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Cheating on my husband

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I need some advice asap. I am a young woman who fell in love with my husband and we ended up getting married due to that. Everything was fine we were happy until he went away on vacation. He chose to leave when we got into an argument over some money. So I confided in his brother and we ended up having hot passionate sex that night. He came back and we made up. I think I should tell him but I am afraid he'll leave me when me and his brother made a mistake.

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No, not fake at all. I came here for advice. What would I gain?
If it's not fake then it doesn't seem like a great marriage. How would a husband go on vacation after an argument and who is to he didn't cheat as well too?

I think this should go straight towards a house court... file for divorce.

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I need some advice asap. I am a young woman who fell in love with my husband and we ended up getting married due to that. Everything was fine we were happy until he went away on vacation. He chose to leave when we got into an argument over some money. So I confided in his brother and we ended up having hot passionate sex that night. He came back and we made up. I think I should tell him but I am afraid he'll leave me when me and his brother made a mistake.



Yes you should tell him.......or you should just leave/disappear and never be heard from again by either of them. Pitting brother against brother.......:(:(, what the hell were you thinking?

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He left because he owns another home 2 hours away from where we live. I will tell you all what our argument was about. We always split our bills we pay so I ended up paying our light bill and then went shopping from some new shoes. Well, the shoes were 50.00 and he claims that the 50.00 was for him to pay another bill but he didn't tell me that before. We argued a little more and he told me he was leaving. Before he left he called me a name and I was upset. His brother had came over to check on me when I was crying because he said his brother called him saying he would be gone for a few days. He just consoled me and I never meant to sleep with him. My husband came back and he apologized for the name calling. I told him it was okay and we moved on..

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From reading on this forum for a long time, nothing surprises me anymore. There was a thread about a girl that was torn between two brothers so this one could be real as well.


That said, I don't know how one can live with such guilt (if you feel any) without coming clean. I don't think I can ever go on with my marriage knowing that I slept with my husband's brother so the best will have to tell him and see where it will lead me and my marriage to.

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From reading on this forum for a long time, nothing surprises me anymore. There was a thread about a girl that was torn between two brothers so this one could be real as well.


That said, I don't know how one can live with such guilt (if you feel any) without coming clean. I don't think I can ever go on with my marriage knowing that I slept with my husband's brother so the best will have to tell him and see where it will lead me and my marriage to.


I am exploring the forum now, I am new but I am not a troll. I am not torn between two brothers like the other poster was. I slept with my husband's brother because we had an argument, he called me names and walked out leaving me home. I have no feelings for his brother. It was a ONS and I don't feel anything for him. He has told me we made a mistake and should move on. I plan on telling my husband if I can come up with some guts. I am very weak but I know it...:confused:

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I am exploring the forum now, I am new but I am not a troll. I am not torn between two brothers like the other poster was. I slept with my husband's brother because we had an argument, he called me names and walked out leaving me home. I have no feelings for his brother. It was a ONS and I don't feel anything for him. He has told me we made a mistake and should move on. I plan on telling my husband if I can come up with some guts. I am very weak but I know it...:confused:


Just because he called you names does not mean you can sleep with his brother or any other man.


Since you know it then do tell your husband.

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Tell your husband


Also get some help. Sleeping with your husbands brother because he called you a name is horrible.


Dont make any excuses, just flat out tell him the truth

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I agree. I am not trying to make any excuses at all. I don't need help.


I can tell him, divorce him and move. Start my life over somewhere else.

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What "advice", are you looking for then? I still call troll, this can't be serious.:rolleyes:

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What "advice", are you looking for then? I still call troll, this can't be serious.:rolleyes:


If you think it is a troll, don't post in the thread. It's that simple.

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You didn't but constantly posting the same thing does not help. Best to just take it as it is and give advice or opinions.

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You owe it to your husband to be honest with him. Your husband also has a right to know what kind of man his brother is. If the brother is married you should also tell his wife. What was going through your mind? If the roles were reversed would you be able to forgive your husband if he slept with your sister after an argument with you? Please seek out counseling to understand why you would do such a thing. Do you love your husband?

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I need some advice asap. I am a young woman who fell in love with my husband and we ended up getting married due to that. Everything was fine we were happy until he went away on vacation. He chose to leave when we got into an argument over some money. So I confided in his brother and we ended up having hot passionate sex that night. He came back and we made up. I think I should tell him but I am afraid he'll leave me when me and his brother made a mistake.


I am a young woman who fell in love with my husband and we ended up getting married due to that.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah omg that made my day ahahahahahhaa.


No seriously, my advice be to just walk out and don't say anything. You are obviously not a wifey material. You didn't cheat because you had an argument with your husband, that's normal it happens in all relationships and marriages, you cheated because you were horny and wanted to f---. Of course not all girls like that, there are girls have moral codes and dignity and when they are committed to a relationship they will be sleeping with one man. On other hand, there are girls completely the opposite who like to sleep with a lot of random guys. OBVIOUSLY, you are not the relationship type girl. So stay away from relationships as far as possible, and forever, if you can.


and we ended up having hot passionate sex that night.


Serious? Are you serious? Or are you troll?

Passionate? Hot? Sex? those words you describe sleeping with your BROTHER IN LAW?:sick: F--- I wanna puke now for real.


Still smell fishy, or should I say; smell "trolly". ;)

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Woman In Blue

Isn't stuff like this legal in Kentucky?


Is his brother also his father?


And lastly, who was watching his brother's/father's single-wide when he came over to your place that night to do the dirty deed?


Just askin'.

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Dexter Morgan
I need some advice asap. I am a young woman who fell in love with my husband and we ended up getting married due to that. Everything was fine we were happy until he went away on vacation. He chose to leave when we got into an argument over some money. So I confided in his brother and we ended up having hot passionate sex that night. He came back and we made up. I think I should tell him but I am afraid he'll leave me when me and his brother made a mistake.


cheating isn't a mistake first off.


and if you could so callously cheat, and with his brother, then what the hell do you care if he leaves or not? You obviously aren't fit for marriage.....so don't be.

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Dexter Morgan
My husband came back and he apologized for the name calling. I told him it was okay and we moved on..


Ok, so basically he apologized....now here you are accepting his apology and letting him think he is the only one that has done something wrong.


nice....real nice. ya, just take his apology and keep your little secret from him so you can save face :sick:

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I never said I wasn't going to tell him. In fact, when he gets back from Tennessee I am telling him. I am expecting to be a single woman but I am okay with that. I will move on with my life. Yes, it was passionate sex. He called me a bitch and a lot worse I guess it just hurt. But I will move on without him. Hurt being called that. I grew up in a household as a child where my father would berate my mother anytime he could. Thanks for all the advice all and the rude comments weren't right.

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