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Where to go from here?


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Hi everyone, I'd appreciate any advice you can offer.


My (ex)bf and I broke up about 6 months ago. Shortly thereafter, a mutual acquaintance told me he had always had some feelings for me. I was going to be out of the country for the next 5 months for a semester abroad, so we decided to just keep in touch online.


The first month or so, we messaged a LOT, perhaps too much, but as far as I could tell it seemed like he was crazy about me. I was still getting over my past relationship but I enjoyed chatting with this new guy. It reached a point where we stopped chatting as much, because he realized he was going a bit fast (he told me I was starting to become his girlfriend in his head, which obviously was not the case). So over the next few months, we talked less often (just 2-3 conversations a week or so). He made some references to us being together in the future and talked about how he was "over hookups" and wanted a relationship at this point in his life.


I recently came back from abroad and we met up. He lives about an hour away from me. We watched a movie and ended up fooling around, basically stopping short of having sex. I told him I didn't want this to be a one-night thing, and he responded by chuckling and asking why would I even think that it would be a one-night thing. And I suppose the reason we didn't go all the way was because we wanted to wait. Anyway, he spent the night and left the next day.


My question is...what do I do from here? We've chatted online in the past couple days, both conversations initiated by him, and I've heard from a mutual friend that he's a good guy. He's also made a reference to "seeing me soon." Plus, he did keep in regular touch with me for the past 6 months... But at the same time, I know we went pretty far on our first "date," and I'm not a fool...I know guys our age (21/22), and I'm ultimately preparing myself for the possibility that all he wants to be is FWB.


I want to ask him if he and I are the same general page (I would like a relationship at some point in the near-ish future), but I was wondering if it was too soon to do that. We can't see each other very often for the next several weeks since we don't live too close, so I didn't want to be premature and discuss things when they can't really progress anyway...but also, I don't want to waste my time with this guy if we don't want the same things, and I'd like to walk sooner rather than later if that's the case!


Thoughts? Thanks in advance

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