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18, engaged ad pregnant, is he a chat room cheat?

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Hi, would like your opinion on this if you dont mind. Im 18 and expecting my first child to a man i am engaged too and madly in love with. Now this is going to seem stupid and childish but i made a fake MSN and added him just to see what he would chat about, i know this is an invasion of privicy but it was half a joke and half curiosity. He started off just normal chating to me and then he said that he thought his girlfriend had tried to catch him out before and aked me to put on webcam so he could see i was not his girlfriend, after i had convinced him that the webcam was broken he invited me to his house for sex, he even gave me his address and mobile phone number. He left the conversation thinkng this girl was on the way to his in a taxi. I text him from my phone saying TAXI CRASHED, PRICK!! he then phoned me and said he knew it was me all along, dont know what to believe. i love him so much and keep thinking what if he did know it was me, im so confused any feed back on this would be appreciaed, its hard to sit here and explain what got said in that conversation, i saved it and keep reading it but it makes no difference, im not sure if i can post it on here for you to see? I feel bad for doing what i done and i feel i have ruined my whole relationship for a stupid joke and my curiosity.

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It wasn't just a joke, it was your gut instinct telling you something was wrong. And luckily for you, you found out it indeed was something amiss about him, now the question is what are you going to do from this point onward?

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I guess you weren't as madly in love as you thought you were.


Now you have all the doubts in the world because of your "prank". Sorry, but I don't buy the half-joke portion of your post.


Maybe he did know, maybe he didn't.

You will NEVER know and this is what you should have thought of BEFORE you went and did this.


You can't deal with what you did anymore, now you have to deal with what you are going to do.

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My guess is that you knew something was going on with him and that's why you set up the fake profile. No shame in that. Usually when you have a gut instinct about something like that it's right and you were expecting the man’s’ baby after all.


I doubt he knew that it was you all along. If he did he would have called you up on it before you text him. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to lead his gf to believe he was going to cheat on her. He would have played along with the joke but told you he knew it was you before he logged off. He wouldn’t have let it go that far.


Question is now...what do you do? You are expecting his child and you don't know what kind of man he is. For all you know he could be using msn for cybering and meeting up for random sex. Could you ever trust him again if you work things out?

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Woman In Blue
I feel bad for doing what i done and i feel i have ruined my whole relationship for a stupid joke and my curiosity.

You didn't ruin your relationship, your hormonal sleazeball boyfriend did, chatting online and looking to get laid. Do you honestly think you're the FIRST female he's solicited on that chat program for sex?


Jeez, you're already pregnant at 18 - he can't be much older. Boys at this age would screw a knothole in a fence if they were sure they wouldn't get splinters from doing it. Expecting a boy of 20 or 21 to be engaged and play daddy is setting yourself up for huge failure. Sorry hon.


You're in for MANY years of this garbage before he finally grows up and decides to fly right. But you can't expect miracles when he's barely out of his teens, himself. Even though he took an active part in getting you pregnant, that's not going to stop him from acting like the kid he still is.

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You didn't ruin your relationship, your hormonal sleazeball boyfriend did, chatting online and looking to get laid. Do you honestly think you're the FIRST female he's solicited on that chat program for sex?


Jeez, you're already pregnant at 18 - he can't be much older. Boys at this age would screw a knothole in a fence if they were sure they wouldn't get splinters from doing it. Expecting a boy of 20 or 21 to be engaged and play daddy is setting yourself up for huge failure. Sorry hon.


You're in for MANY years of this garbage before he finally grows up and decides to fly right. But you can't expect miracles when he's barely out of his teens, himself. Even though he took an active part in getting you pregnant, that's not going to stop him from acting like the kid he still is.


LOL tbh...



Anyway, OP good job. I don't believe for one minute that he wasn't up to anything shady. It's easy to get caught up in internet things. And more easy to get attention from a perfect stranger. Good for you for your investigations and cunning. Don't take things from people

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Yikes! Okay well, you'll never know if he knew it was you or not. Maybe he did but if he didn't he'll lie about it forever. Point is, I know you had a bad feeling but you havent actually caught him cheating. You just caught him trying to cheat.. kinda.


I would just roll with it for now, keep an eye on things. Does he keep his phone and computer locked? Not saying to look through his stuff but if he keeps his things locked it could be a bad sign especially if he didn't use to keep his stuff locked. Remind him that you are the mother of his child and you're going to be around for the rest of his life, if he starts fooling around it's going to make things awkward perminently and will effect his child also.

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