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I think it's pretty tacky to expect gifts from anybody for anything. It's really nice when you get them, but expecting them is really YUK!!!


Most decent people, men and women, I think enjoy having anniversaries remembered. My experience is that women seem to remember them much more than men. Women seem to look forward to gifts much more than men.


Many women are lucky if their guy's remember to give them a Valentine's Day card or gift.


Where girlfriends are concerned, if you have the desire to observe an anniversary with your guy, rather than give him a "gift" as such, you could cook him a meal, take him out for a surprise evening, give him tickets to a concert or a special event he may enjoy.


Most men really appreciate a gift that is funny, such as one you would buy at a novelty store. If it has something to do with sex, all the better. Same goes for cards.


If you present your gift before he has a chance (and he had not remembered or hadn't gotten you anything) you'll likely make him feel pretty crappy, if he's a decent guy. And that's OK too. If he doesn't remember such a special date, then he should feel bad.


I don't think guys are nearly as hurt as ladies if such anniversaries aren't remembered. And I think guys are pretty easy to please as far as gifts are concerned.


Note: I am assuming that the two of you have established an official anniversary date because there are many: The day you met, the day of your first date, the day of you first kiss, the day you agreed to see only each other, etc.

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billy the kid

how about a big hug and kiss, and those 7 simple words ( I love you, I'm glad I'm with you). that would work for me..

do guy expect anniversaries gift from their girlfriends? if so what?
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