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New member to the "Can't find a girl club"

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As the title says, I'm a new member of "Can't find a Girl club" and I'm also new to the forums so... Hi everyone! :)


So here's the prob:

I never had a girlfriend, but well... I'm only 16, a bit younger than the folks around here i think :/ so I have pretty much time ahead to finally meet the right girl. But there's something that is driving me crazy in search for a girlfriend and that is the groupe of friends I usually hang out with. You know, the problem is that they all have girlfriends (and I really mean ALL of them) and when we go out it is like if I was a candle on a romantic dinner, everyone is making out and stuff and I'm there in the middle drinkin' a beer, smokin' a smoke but almost bored to death and annoyed because of the situation >:/ .

And what do they tell me? "Yah gotta get a gaaalfriend mate!" I really don't like how that sounds, are girls some kind of object? Please show some respect!

But night after night, year after year... I just can't take it anymore! Now on summer break, every time I lay down on bed to sleep all I can think about is the summer festivals, the week I usually spend down at the Algarve and all the gals I'm gonna meet there and the possibility of one of becomming my first, and then the break is over and there I go again... one more year wasted...

What can I do? Any ideas? :(



Oh yeah here's a photo of myself (the lead singer) :



(it's kinda small but I think it's the only one online for now :/ )

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Hmmm...well, the way you describe your friends, it sounds like you would not be comfortable doing that kind of public display of affection with your girlfriend if you had one. It's so funny the way you said you feel like a candle in the center of their romantic dinner. ;) I think the reason you don't have a girlfriend is because it's not your style to be a very aggressive alpha male, and the girls that hang around your crowd are looking for that. Maybe you should see if you can expand your circle of friends so that you might have a better chance of meeting a girl who wants to move at the same pace as you. It's definitely not your looks that are holding you back, if that's what you're wondering. :) Hang in there; you've got your whole life ahead of you...

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As the title says, I'm a new member of "Can't find a Girl club" and I'm also new to the forums so... Hi everyone! :)


Hi and welcome to the club. I used to be a member for many years. I think I first joined in middle school and I actualy didn't leave the club until I was graduated from college.


So here's the prob:

I never had a girlfriend, but well... I'm only 16, a bit younger than the folks around here i think :/ so I have pretty much time ahead to finally meet the right girl. But there's something that is driving me crazy in search for a girlfriend and that is the groupe of friends I usually hang out with. You know, the problem is that they all have girlfriends (and I really mean ALL of them) and when we go out it is like if I was a candle on a romantic dinner, everyone is making out and stuff and I'm there in the middle drinkin' a beer, smokin' a smoke but almost bored to death and annoyed because of the situation >:/ .

And what do they tell me? "Yah gotta get a gaaalfriend mate!" I really don't like how that sounds, are girls some kind of object? Please show some respect!

But night after night, year after year... I just can't take it anymore! Now on summer break, every time I lay down on bed to sleep all I can think about is the summer festivals, the week I usually spend down at the Algarve and all the gals I'm gonna meet there and the possibility of one of becomming my first, and then the break is over and there I go again... one more year wasted...

What can I do? Any ideas? :(


Well if I could go back in time and some how convince myself of the advice I am about to give you then I would have EASILY been able to get a gf so LISTEN up.


1) ASK GIRLS OUT a) Flirt with random pretty girls, just say silly stuff then say "Lets go to the movies/coffee/dinner/bowling/what ever tonight" then pull out your phone even if they say "no" and tell them to put their number in.

2) STOP CARING if a girl rejects you then who cares just go onto the next PRETTY girl and HAVE FUN... STOP STRESSING

3) KISS THE GIRLS ON THE ALONE TIME... when you get a girl alone on that first date, DON'T JUST TALK, go in for a kiss WITHOUT ASKING. Just go in there and kiss them.


Look if you can follow that simple advice you will get a girl quick especialy if you ASK OUT and KISS lots of girls.


I was a big NERD and afraid of REJECTION so I NEVER ASKED out girls OR KISSED them until I GRADUATED COLLEGE. Naturaly by the time I was 22 courage just came to me and FINALY I STOPPED CARING started asking girls out... AND BAM I GOT A BUNCH OF REALLY HOT GF's


I currently have SUPER HOT GF and I wonder why I was ever so afraid of getting rejected. In my mind I thought people would think I was a loser if i flirted with girls and got rejected. I thought if a girl called me a CREEP then I would feel like one... but when I learned to stop caring a girl would call me a CREEP and it would just be funny. People actualy think you are COOL if they hear you asking out some girl at the mall or what ever. they are like "THAT GUY HAS BALLS".


A girl at a party actualy once called me a creep but we still ended up kissing and I got her number and she was calling me like a million times THAT NIGHT.


Look man you might be to young and to scared to take my advice. Thats cool, don't worry about it just enjoy yourself and your confidence will come with time. No big deal about any of this stuff. Once you get a gf you will see that you are the same guy you are now.

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Seriously. You're only 16. At that age, girls don't want guys necessarily. They want guys who fit into certain categories, such as: the cool guy, the jock, the popular one, the cute one, and etc. It's all about labels and teen angst. Don't sweat it. You barely got through the "I just discovered chest hair" stage. You'll have many more years (maybe decades) trying to decipher what the female gender is all about. And you'll never know.

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Relax. At 16, you're not too young to be emotionally scarred, but you haven't really lived yet. I'm 42 and I know what I'm talking about.


My advice: save up all your bread, get rich, swagger around like a Mafia don, and you'll become a chick magnet.

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Well if I could go back in time and some how convince myself of the advice I am about to give you then I would have EASILY been able to get a gf so LISTEN up.


1) ASK GIRLS OUT a) Flirt with random pretty girls, just say silly stuff then say "Lets go to the movies/coffee/dinner/bowling/what ever tonight" then pull out your phone even if they say "no" and tell them to put their number in.

2) STOP CARING if a girl rejects you then who cares just go onto the next PRETTY girl and HAVE FUN... STOP STRESSING

3) KISS THE GIRLS ON THE ALONE TIME... when you get a girl alone on that first date, DON'T JUST TALK, go in for a kiss WITHOUT ASKING. Just go in there and kiss them.


Look if you can follow that simple advice you will get a girl quick especialy if you ASK OUT and KISS lots of girls.


I'm a girl, and yes, this will work! Very well put, Green.

There was one guy who tried to ask me out a few weeks ago, I could tell he was nervous, I had asked him to bring several things the day before to my desk that were work related and he sat in front of me and asked, "Is there anything else you want from me?" while putting his hand over mine, it was cute but I got shy and dodged it by saying something like, no, you've been such a great help already but thanks. He was playing it safe. Yes men have to be the brave one and be direct, if he had directly asked me out on a date I would have said yes.

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Huh, people in bands were all the rage back when I was 16. What happened?


You're pretty cute with that whole curly hair look. At your age your best chances are to just befriend girls and ask them out. Don't take dating too seriously but don't play chicks either.


Just expand your social circle.

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1) ASK GIRLS OUT a) Flirt with random pretty girls, just say silly stuff then say "Lets go to the movies/coffee/dinner/bowling/what ever tonight" then pull out your phone even if they say "no" and tell them to put their number in.

2) STOP CARING if a girl rejects you then who cares just go onto the next PRETTY girl and HAVE FUN... STOP STRESSING

3) KISS THE GIRLS ON THE ALONE TIME... when you get a girl alone on that first date, DON'T JUST TALK, go in for a kiss WITHOUT ASKING. Just go in there and kiss them.

Some guys can get away with doing this. Other guys can't.

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