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Question about having a hot Wife

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Staring is one thing, approaching and paying compliments to a complete stranger are another if the guy next to her looks like he can take care of himself. I know what you look like and you don't look intimidating.


If your girlfriend is experiencing being hit on while she's right next to you with bodily contact between you like arm around her or holding your hand, these guys are either jacking with you or she's giving them the "come hither" eye contact and/or body language.


We're not talking about immature catcalling or honking when driving by. That kind of thing happens due to the idiocy of these guys who feel safe within the relative anonymity of their cars.


Now if SOs are physically separated from each other, like at a nightclub when you're walking through a crowded room, that's something completely different. Or like at a BBQ, where the two of you are on different sides of the yard or room.


lol dude you can't punch every guy who comes up to your girlfriend/wife and gives them compliments. Furthermore if they are giving her compliments off the bat they suck at pickup to begin with. You are insecure, and it shows by doing this/reacting this way. I hate seeing girls with guys like you, because all the sudden guys can't talk to some girl AT ALL because the boyfriend will get super reactive and jealous. As in we could be in immediate friend groups, but I will literally never talk to the girl because the boyfriend immediately thinks I have other intentions (even if there's none at all).


She should know how to shoot down guys. She's done it her entire life and is much better at it than you are (as an earlier attractive girl said earlier). If she is encouraging them rather than blowing them off maybe you should ask why. Being insecure and punching every guy who talks to her (especially the akward guys who give weird compliments) obviously isn't the answer.

Edited by dispatch3d
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Men will always find your wife attractive and try to hit on her. That's the hazard of having a hot wife. FYI, women will find YOU attractive too and try to pry you from her, as well.


The one thing you need to do is make sure she knows (on a subconscious level) that if she betrays you even once, you will walk away. The feeling of potential dread will mitigate any temptation. Of course, you must be the man and maintain the frame, always, or she will lose respect for you. Work on your inner game. Be the man her friends want (but don't f--- them). She must always know that a) you have options, and b) you walk if she cheats.

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I have to concede that I am not a member of this world that you all speak of where men come up and hit on your wife with you present. Had/have a hot wife... never once was someone so arrogant or stupid as to come up to her with me there and hit on her. I just can't fathom the idea.

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I have to concede that I am not a member of this world that you all speak of where men come up and hit on your wife with you present. Had/have a hot wife... never once was someone so arrogant or stupid as to come up to her with me there and hit on her. I just can't fathom the idea.


Ditto, I catch a lot of staring at her rack. But thats as far as it dares to go.

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I think you should be proud you have a hot wife, but you need to confront some of these guys at one time or another, not in a jealous manner but like.... "Hey man, thats my wife you talking to there, would appreciate it if you leave her alone!!!"


She would appreciate the fact that she is valuable to you and that you are a bit protective coz you can never really tell who some of these guys may be.


It also depends on how you take the situation......


You need to let her know that this is not an issue for you but she better not let

it get into her head too much.....


Has she ever told any of these guys... hey I am married and this is my partner right here! she dosen't really need to do that but if you have discussed this issue with her once, she ought to try doing something about it on her own part.


She also needs to know that if she betrays you, then you are going to be out the door...


If all that can be sorted out, I really don't think there is anything you need to

worry about.


Wishing You Good Luck and a Good Life with your Wife....


P.S-> One more thing, you need to build up your self-confidence a lot.

If these guys sense a weakness or timidity in you, they would walk

all over you even in her presence and trust me, you definitely don't

want that...... If you work on that, I bet you many of these guys will

just disappear. At least they won't approach her in your presence. You

also need to address the issue of what happens when other men approach

her whenever you are not there.......... Good Luck Man!!

with her...

Edited by TheLove
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Dudes checking out your W from afar is a complement IMO

Dudes hitting on your W while you're standing next to her is disrespectful.

I've had that happen several times and chumped them right then an there.


After a few times, my W now beats me to the punch. If I'm in walking distance, she excuse herself, walk over to me, plant a big one on me, then walk me back to introduce her H to "I'm sorry, what was your name again, this is my H XXXX"

It's so funny to watch the dudes scuttle away with the tails between their legs.

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Thanks for all your replys, it's been very interesting reading different peoples views on the situation. I'm generally a very confident guy it's just in this area where my confidence takes a knock. It's never really bothered me that much with other girlfriends in the past, I guess this girl has really got under my skin.

I admit most of the issue probably lies in my field due to the fact other women welcome her company and are never cold towards her in any sort of way,this leads me to believe that they don't feel threatened by her around their husbands/boyfriends.

I do believe it takes a certain type of guy to date a very hot girl and take all what comes with it in thier stride. When I've dated girls who are still attractive but not quite as good looking the whole situation seems a breeze,no hassle. I feel confidence is a big factor in this sort of situation. And in certain circumstances one partner can drain away the others confidence!

I'd even go as far as saying that I felt in the past gloating from other women whom may have had a bit of a rough time with men in the past, they've read the situation between me and my Wife at a social fuinction and been happy to see a guy swollow"some of their own medicine" so to speak.

Please feel free to air your views.

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How is your relationship with your wife? Are you honest with each other? Have you shared your concerns with her? Would she dress down to look less attractive?

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There are some people that attract the attention of others, of either or both sexes. One doesn't have to be "hot" for this to take place. They are friendly, approachable and non-threatening.


How do women respond to her?

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Dexter Morgan
Hello everyone, My Wife is extremely beautiful and attractive, I can understand that she'll get a lot of attention but it seems everywhere we go in public or social events guy's keep eyeing her up and bending over backwards for her.

This makes her confidence very high even though she try's to play it all down it makes life awkward for me at times. Guy's who are total strangers will come up to her and pay her complements when we're out together. I'm not the jealous type but it's driving me up the wall.

I know I should feel proud and privileged to have a beautiful Wife but all this attention makes things difficult.

How do others deal with this problem? Do you feel I'd be happier with a more average looking partner?


what are you worried about? you obviously think alot of yourself.


you obviously have a bigger one than the other guys given your choice of usernames. so they don't have anything on you......right? So why worry? she surely aint gonna leave such a "hungbro":o

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Some women can't help that they are extremely beautiful and get alot of attention. I have a friend who is married to a woman like your wife. She is soooo gorgeous that even I (a woman) can't help but stare at her. She too is very friendly, down to earth and loves her husband to death. When they enter a party or any other function it is rather comical the way big men turn into little boys around her. She seems totally oblivious to it or is just use to men acting that way around her. Her husband gets a kick out it; but he isn't too bad either.

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You have a Lambourgini. People will stop on the street and look at it because it is unusual to see a car that beautiful. Comes with the territory. You really want a Honda?


Leave the Honda out of this! I'm sure you meant Hyundai. Right? :p

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I dont care if she is the hottest woman on the planet...if she has men lining up to kiss her cheeks goodbye from a private social function which she attended with her husband...thats just weird. Ive never seen it.


As long her actions and behavior never offend you...try to put it aside.

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Guys try to talk to women all the time...it's such a big deal to you because she is YOUR wife. Guys try to talk to me too and my boyfriend is always like "Oh those guys were checking you out." I have heard this from manyyyy men. Truth is most girls if they are pretty, that equal that men will try to hit on them. Even average girls get hit on. Also one thing I have noticed is if the girl looks at the guys, that increases the chances that they will try to make a move on her. If she were to completely not look at them and pay them zero attention, they most likely will shy out. Regardless though, men will try to talk to a woman if they find her attractive, even if she doesn't look at them. BUT "that look" that some girls give to men definetely increases the chance that they will approach her.



A couple of my guy friends have told me this: "If I find a girl attractive but she completely is giving me these vibes that she is not into me, then I most likely wont try to talk to her. However, if she looks at me and our eyes make contact with each other, I most likely will think that she at least must think Im attractive and it makes it so much easier to try to ask her for her number or even give her a simple compliment." I don't know, all men are different. I say as long as she is faithful to you ENJOY IT AND BE PROUD OF HER NO MATTER WHAT. Whether ithe whole world wants her or whether nobody but you wants her, you should always feel lucky to be with the one you love as long as they love you back, make you happy and are faithful.

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Staring is one thing, approaching and paying compliments to a complete stranger are another if the guy next to her looks like he can take care of himself. I know what you look like and you don't look intimidating.


If your girlfriend is experiencing being hit on while she's right next to you with bodily contact between you like arm around her or holding your hand, these guys are either jacking with you or she's giving them the "come hither" eye contact and/or body language.


We're not talking about immature catcalling or honking when driving by. That kind of thing happens due to the idiocy of these guys who feel safe within the relative anonymity of their cars.


Now if SOs are physically separated from each other, like at a nightclub when you're walking through a crowded room, that's something completely different. Or like at a BBQ, where the two of you are on different sides of the yard or room.



that EXACT scenario happened with my guy friend that I was describing. He said "this woman had a man and she kept giving me "the eye"-he calls it...the "Hey you wink wink" look. He said he felt sorry for her boyfriend and believed that she would cheat on him. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IS YOUR WIFE!! It is just a scenario and alot of the cases I have personally seen and even tried doing that myself and I was shocked at how just one simple "tease-flirty" glance, makes it SO much easier for guys to try to hit on you. However, I really hope all these replys do not put things in your head. Have an open disccussion with your wife or check her out in public and see if maybe she is giving men these vibes to talk to her. Because Im pretty sure if a girl is with her mam who is tall and nicely built, most guys would NOT try to talk to her, maybe once or twice but most men have bounderies, unless they think the guy is a pushover or the girl is giving them "the eye". Having a million guys approach you when you're alone is one thing but when you're with your man, that is extremely disrespectful to the man.

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Interesting topic as I have wondered at times if my Fiancé is bothered by men staring at me in public when we are together. He knows I do not dress provocatively and I do not invite male attention, so he find is amusing if a man actually does have the balls to approach me (which is rare b/c I don’t give off the “I’m available” vibe). He is a very confident guy; however, when out in public, he will often put his around me or give me a kiss somewhere to show I am definitely with him. I like that because men generally don’t try to approach a woman if it’s very clear she is taken. Do you do this with your woman?


Also, I will tell you that not all attractive women like the attention men give them in public. I, for one, have found various ways to repel male attention in order to avoid awkward situations. I simply don’t make eye contact; I ignore their attention completely. Most men are way too afraid to approach an attractive woman if it seems as if she doesn’t even acknowledge his existence. Perhaps your lady is welcoming the attention because she likes it, or maybe she likes that you get jealous. Just an idea…


I have a dancer friend who is exceptionally beautiful, a 9.5/10 and she’s about 5’1” tall. She married an average looking guy who she had to teach to protect her in public from random men. She taught him to show affection and make it clear he was the only man next to her. It worked like a charm; perhaps it could work for you too.

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Thanks for the replys the advice coming from different members has been very helpful,it's made me look at the situation from many different angles which I feel can only be a good thing.

I'll keep you posted on the situation.

Thanks once again.

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that EXACT scenario happened with my guy friend that I was describing. He said "this woman had a man and she kept giving me "the eye"-he calls it...the "Hey you wink wink" look. He said he felt sorry for her boyfriend and believed that she would cheat on him. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IS YOUR WIFE!! It is just a scenario and alot of the cases I have personally seen and even tried doing that myself and I was shocked at how just one simple "tease-flirty" glance, makes it SO much easier for guys to try to hit on you.

This statement is exactly right. I am an equal-opportunity lecher and have no hesitation in flirting with women who are married or have boyfriends, but ONLY if they are giving me the signal that they are receptive to my attention. Heck, to be honest, nowadays it seems a lot easier to sleep with a married woman than a single one.


As others have said, men checking out a hot woman from afar is normal, but guys hitting on her when they know she is taken is completely different. She is consciously or unconsciously giving them encouragement. Many beautiful women are so used to male attention that they don't see anything unusual about men hitting on them, even when they are taken. I've dated women who are notorious flirts, and at first it doesn't bother me (I flirt shamelessly, too) but after being in a relationship, you need to learn how to stop doing that and shut down anyone who gives you romantic attention when you are unavailable.


Men seem to be more conscious of when we're flirting, so it's easier to stop. A lot of women just do it out of years of habit and will usually say something like "Oh, I was just being nice" and accuse you of being jealous and controlling if you express concern about it. But the reality is that people in a relationship have to put the relationship ahead of themselves.


It's fun to get attention from the opposite sex (and a great ego boost), but ultimately it is disrespectful to the relationship, and people need to learn how to "turn it off" when they are in a relationship.

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Tell her to stop flirting so much.


Attractive sociable women like your wife are well-accustomed both to how to attract guys (ususally doesn't take much at all) AND how to put them off.


These chicks when they don't want a guy to flirt with them or approach them, have a "freeze stare" or more like they don't make any eye contact with you, any eye contact that's made their eyes are cold, they don't smile, and in fact they have sort of a grim expression, makes you feel like they could bore through your soul and they're telepathically saying to you "Don't even think about it, you worm."


Yes of course some dudes are oblivious and will approach anyway to get instantaneously dissed/shot down...but it sounds like your wife is ego-tripping on having the entire room full of guys eating out of her hand.


You need to have a conversation with her and perhaps marital counseling. You're insecure, she must be aware of it, and she's consciously or unconsciously attracting these guys.


This is brilliant advice. I am someone who employs the freeze stare myself and it mostly works :D These days I flash my engagement ring if the freeze stare isn't working, too, and the combination is generally pretty effective!

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fighting other guys just isn't a good idea. I don't see how jealousy is attractive. It would also come off insecure (as I stated earlier).


The common denominator here isn't the entire male population. Furthermore, good ****ing luck getting the entire male population to not hit on a hot girl. If she is doing this for some reason when you are around, you need to figure out the why. Is it for a reaction? Is it to make you want her more? etc.


My worry is that it COULD be for a reaction - and hence fighting other guys is only going to REINFORCE the behaviour. I can't tell you why she's doing it, I don't read minds. But this is a possibly non-verbal behaviour with a hidden agenda (possible to even your girlfriend). So yeah I can't diagnose it over the internet...


I would guess that you're being reactive when she does it (even on a subconcious level would be enough for her to pickup on). I only say that because you cared enough to make a thread.

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