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Looks are Everything!

The Truth

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Has anyone ever noticed how important physical looks are when it comes to love? We all like to pretend in real love, a special connection between two people, but it doesn't really happen, we just extend our egos to include our "lovers", because that's what people do, feed their egos.


More important than money, power, personality, intelligence, kindness, or any other quality. Looks are everything! Don't lie to yourselves!


Peace out.

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You are projecting your beliefs onto an entire world population and that can get you into trouble.


While most people would agree that physical attraction is an important ingredient in romance, it is by no means an essential component.


There are many people who have been screwed over numerous times by beautiful women and drop dead gorgeous guys. Many of them ultimately come into contact with an average looking member of the opposite sex who is so kind, so sweet, so compassionate, so honest, so trustworthy, so humble, etc., that those positive aspects make up for their lack of a superific physique or face.


From a scientific perspective, it has been found in studies that most people ultimately end up mating with another who is reasonably in the same appearance range...a beautiful woman would end up with a handsome guy, etc. But I have seen some of the most beautiful women with overweight ugly guys and they seemed very happy. So the attraction rule is general and has its exceptions.


I don't doubt for YOU and many others, physical attraction is extremely important. But listen up. The most beautiful, handsome, gorgeous person on the planet can quickly become the ugliest, most nauseating looking individual that ever lived if you find that they have negative traits like pride, selfishness, lack of compassion, etc. that we value in a human being. I've seen it happen.


Now, if you're just talking about looking a pictures on the Internet and fantasizing, I'll go along with the attraction thing 100 percent. I just hate those staples over the belly buttons.

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Has anyone ever noticed how important physical looks are when it comes to love? We all like to pretend in real love, a special connection between two people, but it doesn't really happen, we just extend our egos to include our "lovers", because that's what people do, feed their egos.


More important than money, power, personality, intelligence, kindness, or any other quality. Looks are everything! Don't lie to yourselves!


Peace out.

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First off, let me say I don't agree with you at all... though I'm a bit surprised and somewhat alarmed at the lack of reassuring responses from the women...


What do you *really* think, ladies ?





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Bit late to respond maybe but in some ways I think you're right. I think for the majority (majority being the operative word!) of the time looks are very important. An initial attraction that draws you to that person, however this attraction can easily fade in an instant if the person is not equipt (not exactly the word I was looking for but anyway!) with a great personality.


And actually, however focussed I was on looks previously, that has kind of faded a little. Not because I don't like good-looking guys or anything like that. It's just that good-looks seem to cause a hell of a lot of problems!!! Unnecessary ones at that! Jealously, fights, tears and whatnot seem to follow good-looks, so are they really worth it!?!

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Now that's QUITE some generalization you've made. It would infer there are two groups of people in the world: 1) the handsome and happy and 2) the unattractive and lonely.


If we would line up the people in the world I'm betting we would find some lonely attractive people and some very happy uglier people. Love is blind, so they say.


This woman tends to be drawn to the kindness, passion, and joy I see exuding from a man. These things shine through, creating a beauty all their own. Sure, attractiveness is nice and captures my attention more easily than unattractive features. My affection, however, is only won and kept by the loveliness found inside the man.


As far as feeding egos: If that is the basis for love, I say it's not love.

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I think that initially, we are attracted to a person's physical features, but I would disagree that looks are everything. That's just so shallow.


I've got a knock-out divorced friend with 2 small children who's been single for the past five years (dateless, even) who is adament that she only "connects" with good-looking men. She throws digs about older men (like my husband) who aren't physically fit (again like my husband) whenever we talk. My husband, who for the longest time had a crush on her, pointed out that no matter how hot she looks, men are going to start passing her over because she's just too waspish and too old. Because when it comes down to it, they want a good woman, someone who'll treat them right, and if she's not a supermodel, that's okay. I guarantee that a good number of women out there already feel that way, that they'd take a good man over a good-looking man any day.


(Besides, the only thing you see in the dark is someone's character)

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I just found this site as I was surfing and you have hit upon a subject that has bothered me for literally decades. BTW, I'm female.


For some reason men ARE very "visual". Even if their S.O. (significant other) is a little overweight, or even morbidly so and he says he loves her more than life, you can bet that he fantasizes about some little hard bodied girl.


And it doesn't matter what HE looks like.


The above is just an example, but what this attitude or way of looking at women causes is all the commercials on T.V. showing slender, beautiful women, "even the older women". It causes the average looking woman, no, even GOOD looking women to do things that are detrimental to their health. Like; boob jobs, tummy tucks, spending a fortune on cosmetics and the beauty shop.


And what is really sad? I'm in my late 50's and when someone tells me (male OR female) that I sure look good for my age and how do I stay so slim, I feel SO smug.


And how do I look at men? Well, the sexiest man I've ever known was a little short, a little overweight and going bald. But you know what? He said all the right things and he was wonderful in bed.


First off, let me say I don't agree with you at all... though I'm a bit surprised and somewhat alarmed at the lack of reassuring responses from the women... What do you *really* think, ladies ? -- Bluesman
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