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Her irradic behavior is really bugging me!

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OK on Thursday I asked this girl out, she turned me down. Then the next day she called my best friend's girlfriend saying she actually did want to go out with me. So we went out Saturday night, it went REALLY well...and we discussed what we wanted in a relationship, and we agreed we'd take it slow. Well I tried to call her Sunday but I kept getting a busy signal. So I hope to talk to her monday at school. Well I did and it was horrible, she seemed completly uninterested in talking to me, and even seemed kindof aggrivated. I got dumped with a crapload of work that night so I couldn't call her, so I hope that the next day would be ok, but it was even worse. So I'm confused as hell, what should I do?

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How would we know? We weren't there.


When you say it went well...what does that mean? Did you do all the talking, and she listened real attentive like? Lots o' men do that, and it's a turnoff. Then they always want to see the girl again...'cause she's such a good listener!!!



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it's not you, it could be other things going on in the girl's life. Or maybe you thought the date went well and she wasn't impressed, and just hid it well. Regardless of the reason, the best thing to do would be to just leave her be. She's giving you the message with her actions and her response that she isn't happy with you, so I don't see any reason to pursue her.

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The last thing you should do, bro, is ignore her. Told ya before she's just testing your intentions. Have some flowers delivered to her door with a nice note, thanking her for the wonderful date. She'll come around, you'll see. Just keep it balanced. Don't make a nuisance of yourself.

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