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Is it Me??


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Is it me or was there an amazing spout of break ups during the cold autumnal nights ??


When I came on here, it was teaming with people - now it has gone a bit quiet.


Maybe there is a correllation between SAD syndrome and break ups ??


Anyways, 3 months - still missing her etc etc.


Read load of break up books, advice from here - feel a bit happier in myself, but still don't want to meet anybody else yet.

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I don't know your whole situation but I wanted to at least say Hi.. and to say keep smiling.. it's all good..

Enjoy your life... I know it's hard right now but it will get better..


Hope you have a great day!!!



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Patterns forming.....my break-ups always seem to come around xmas or shortly after.


Relationships never seem to go past 4 months....never past that honeymoon period.


It's eird....once that infatuation thing is over for the girl...they don't seem to like me for me and it's all over. My problem I know. But patterns...strange.

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I hear ya Dario. It's happened to me, in 2 different relationships, They were both so in love with me and I gave so much but then they seemed to just have a change of heart. My Fault I guess. I guess I'm too much of a nice guy and care too much for a women's space and feelings and wants and needs. Maybe I should have treated them like s*** and maybe they would have respected me more, since the latter didn't seem to keep them around.

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