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Trust in a relationship

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What are the most important aspects in a relationship ,and if you dont trust your partner can you gain the trust back or is it better to let the relationship end?

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Please understand that many folk disagree with me... I believe that one must care for a relationship. The parties must agree with an openness to be examined. When this is agreed upon, almost all surveillance can be utilized.


The relationship should be honest: in the past, present and even the future -when we are tempted and need our partners support to keep faithful.


I agree that there should be a minimum of 15 hours contact time with your partner. To help maintaining a good relationship there needs to be a Policy Of Joint Agreement. This is a sharing of concerns such that one partner does not walk over the other.


Good communication AND actions build a trusting relationship.

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It really depends on what you are talking about to me. I feel like the most common issue with relationships are trust and communications. How many times have you heard someone say they have "trust issues."


These issues could stem from past relationships (mine do) - in which case, they can be worked on if both people in the relationship are patient and open...


But working on earning trust back from your partner or trying to trust your partner again is a much more difficult process

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To continue a relationship with someone you do not trust depends on what you have invested in the relationship and why you don't trust them.

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