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***Honk Honk*** Ay yo shawty!


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I was at the mall today. These 2 really hot girls were walking in and all of a sudden, some guys in a car blasting hip hop pull up to them and honk the horn and shout "Ay yo shawty!" to one of the girls, and then starts working the hydraulics. The driver said "Yeah, you like that baby?" to one of the girls. The girls did not care at all. They just kept walking, and the guys were shouting things like "Ladies! Where y'all going?" and soon just just drove off cursing.


I was stunned. I thought this kinda stuff only happened on television and in movies.


And I don't even live anywhere near the ghetto. This was at a suburban mall in a pretty affluent town.


It's not that I found it offensive. It's simply a matter of this; who could possibly believe that girls would be turned on/impressed by this? Has blasting hip hop, shouting "Ay yo shawty!" and working a car's hydraulics EVER landed a guy a girl?


I mean, I've seen guys at clubs, at the end of the night, go up to girls and ask "Hey, wanna bang?" and of course the girls would tell them to "Get lost" or "F off" or just ignore them outright. The thing is, these guys knew it wouldn't work. The goal was to see who could get rejected the hardest and they'd all laugh about it.


But these clowns really expected it to work. How did it come to this?

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Yeeesh. That is grim, right there.:laugh: That sounds like a deleted scene from The Fast & The Furious or something!


Who knows though. Bad manners are not limited to less affluent areas. You can find a dodo anywhere.

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Habits like this are generally repeated over and over simply because at some point, it DOES work. Just because you don't agree with it, or you don't see how it COULD work, it doesn't mean that at some point, it won't.


It's simply a numbers game, do enough of the same thing in order to catch a prey, and eventually, one will get caught.

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Ruby Slippers

I get honked at and cat-called from passing cars all the time, and I always wonder how these guys expect this to work. It must work on someone or they wouldn't do it, right?

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I get honked at and cat-called from passing cars all the time, and I always wonder how these guys expect this to work. It must work on someone or they wouldn't do it, right?


I have seen it work on quite a few occasions.

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I have seen it work on quite a few occasions.


I've seen it work too. When I was reading this post I half expected the girls in the story to get in the car.

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Lady vs Panda

I'm surprised someone thought this only happened in the movies. I and most of the women I know have experienced such regular street harassment it would curl your hair, it's sometimes frightening, sometimes just obnoxious. I regularly fantasize quite violent responses, but just walk on by, head up high.


And no, I have never seen it work.

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It's simply a matter of this; who could possibly believe that girls would be turned on/impressed by this? Has blasting hip hop, shouting "Ay yo shawty!" and working a car's hydraulics EVER landed a guy a girl?



At some point it must have, or they wouldn't be working it again in your neighbourhood.


For every retarded ass-hole trying to work an angle like this, there is a retarded chick that will find this attractive. It's a by-product of stupid people breeding.

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At some point it must have, or they wouldn't be working it again in your neighbourhood.


For every retarded ass-hole trying to work an angle like this, there is a retarded chick that will find this attractive. It's a by-product of stupid people breeding.


watchu tlkn bout shawdy cum hop in mai escaladez

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Damn, I've never even witnessed a girl getting honked at. I guess this is a cultural thing though, doesn't seem to happen much in northern Europe.

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I'm surprised someone thought this only happened in the movies. I and most of the women I know have experienced such regular street harassment it would curl your hair, it's sometimes frightening, sometimes just obnoxious. I regularly fantasize quite violent responses, but just walk on by, head up high.


And no, I have never seen it work.


I'm familiar with this obnoxious behavior. I didn't say it only happens in movies. I said it looked like a scene from the movie - how DWAW told the story, I pictured this. :sick:


Damn, I've never even witnessed a girl getting honked at. I guess this is a cultural thing though, doesn't seem to happen much in northern Europe.


Indeed it is a cultural thing. Leaves a lot to be desired, no?

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Unfortunately; I think life mimics television and movies more than the other way around.


I just hope I can be that f@#*en cool when I grow up :-P

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Yeah, the hydraulics per se are not something I've personally experienced, but honking and cat calls happen pretty frequently. I guess I always just assumed that guys were just being immature idiots when they did it, not that they actually expected it to work. I mean, how likely is it that I'm going to stop and get into some random douchebag's car while crossing a busy intersection?

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I would have thought the car hopping stunt wouldn’t happen that much anymore, but then maybe hi riser cars are still popular where you are. Where I live I've seen this many times and been out with guys who have tried it on. These guys were italian, greek, and lebos. As someone else mentioned, it’s a numbers game, they would get knocked back so many times but then there is the 1 in 20. They didn’t take themselves too seriously and had a lot of fun showing off to each other. Getting a nasty response was just as much fun.

The best times for success though, the times I was with them or heard about later on were on Friday, Saturday nights. A few times girls have jumped in the car but usually it’s a case of finding out what club or party the girls are on their way to and meeting them there or following their car when they/we would harass them (in a nice way) at the traffic lights. A bit like American Graffiti. It was never a case though of just cruising around shopping centers in a hotted up car.


Over the years, numerous times I've seen guys make really obscene comments or use lame pick up lines on women they had just recently met and she has gone back home with him a little later. The secret ingredient...a bucket load of confidence and good looks. Both change the rules.

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I have seen it work on quite a few occasions.


Seen similar work also 15 yrs ago.


When in college we went to panama city for spring break.

My cousin lived in florida & met us with his convertable 5.0.


we had women literally jumping into the car & coming back to the hotel room with us.


It was truely an enchanted charriote.

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Guys who do that sort of thing really aren't trying to pick up girls but amuse each other. They could care less if girls like it or not.:laugh:

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Guys who do that sort of thing really aren't trying to pick up girls but amuse each other. They could care less if girls like it or not.:laugh:


This is what I always assumed. Otherwise it seems like a highly inefficient method.

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Jersey Shortie

I agree with the guys caring less about really impression the girls and were more entertained by swinging their dicks around for the other guys.


The only girls this would work on our girls who lack complete self confidence and soak up any kind of male attention. The girl could very well be very attractive but no girl with any true self respect, falls for that clownish stuff.

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I was walking from my car into a grocery store once - I believe I was in my late 30's at the time, so not exactly a youngster. This guy was walking out of the store and walked past me as I approached. He quietly said, "Man, I'd love to be your bath water." :o:lmao:

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Ruby Slippers
we had women literally jumping into the car & coming back to the hotel room with us.

Srsly? How desperate does a woman have to be to get into a strange man's car?!

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Srsly? How desperate does a woman have to be to get into a strange man's car?!


I bet I could pull it off. :cool:

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The only girls this would work on our girls who lack complete self confidence and soak up any kind of male attention. The girl could very well be very attractive but no girl with any true self respect, falls for that clownish stuff.


I bet I could pull it off. :cool:


I bet even you could land these type of girls;)

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Who cares if they get in. Ya look like a gangsta drivin on them 3 wheels. I'm ridin spinnas they dont stop they dont stop I'm ridin spinnas lol

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