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In need of help please

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I need some major help. I just got out of a relationship with my girlfriend. For the first 3 months things were rocky. I found out that she cheated on me with her ex. That was the reason for her to call it off after the 3 months. Basically I caught her. Within 3 weeks i have been going down there just about every weekend. That 3rd tame I went down to her place she tells she needs me in my life right now. After saying that, we started dating again. She was telling me her ex is too controlling and does't keep promises, and on top of that in a gang and carries a gun. She tells her feelings are stronger for me. She lost contact or should called it off. We dated for another 3 months. These 3 months i saw things from her that i fell for. I have never liked any girl as much as I liked her. She calls me up saying that things are getting too serious between us. She tells me she wants a break cause she feels too tied down. After six months am pissed she would do this to me. She also mention that i remind her of her Ex. Which I don't see, i found that an insult by her telling me this. I talked to her recently and i found out she wants to see if he has changed any, date ham for awhile, and she wants to use ham to prove to her friend (who is in a controlling relationship) to show them how their relationship is. Does that sound right? However she still wants to be friends. She made it clear she wants a long term relationship with me eventually. What am I doing wrong I am confused by her. Then again I don't want to lose her.

p.s How can i save this and date her again.


In need of major help,


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You certainly do need help - you need to have your head examined, if I was closer I'd drive you myself!




*First three months - rocky

*End of three months - she cheats on you (with a gun carrying psycho it seems...)

*3 weeks after the break up she says she 'needs you' (you fall for it...)

* three months later she calls it off (goes back to guy with the guns)

* Dates him but says she's going to come and pick up with you later


Don't try and get her back - run for the hills she's bad news.




p.s How can i save this and date her again.


Why do you want to save this relationship? She's used you, she isn't (and maybe never will be) over her ex and you surely can do better. Wake up and if you can't, get a good friend to give you a solid kick in the head, should do the trick!




pps. If I were closer I'd do it myself.

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i agree all the signs are there she is playing games. find someone who loves you the way you deserve


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Your right. I saw things when we were dating that were unbelievable. She not like that at all while we were dating she was caring and loving. Just the only girl i felt so strongly about. Thanks for the advice i will consider it.

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She made it clear she wants a long term relationship with me eventually.


I've seen this before. what is it that makes a woman feel she can ask a man to wait for her while she dates a few more people?


Stay away from her, be her friend if you must, but never anything more.

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Like someone told you run for the hills. You don't deserve that. Anyone that would willing go out with a gun handling gang member or get back into a bad relationship just to show a friend that her relationship is bad, needs some major help. Do you stick your head into a lions mouth just ot prove that he will bite it off. NOT

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I agree with everyone and say stop wasting your time with her. Also, this might not be as significant of a factor but that cun-carrying psycho might eventually come after you if he finds out you've been with her. You just never know.

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I want thank everyone. a little update i was talking last night. I ofund out he still the same way. She not going after him. Tahnsk god, Thanks guys.

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