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So confussed i thought he really liked me

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I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years. I dated around and finally got sick of getting my heart broke. I soon decided to be single and just meet new people but not actually date. One night i went out because i was so stressed. I met this guy and told a friend of mine how hot he was. I was drinking and started to get flirty. He was a dj. I went in to the dj booth and said "you're really cute" and that night he asked to take me to dinner and a movie. I wanted to say yes you are soo fine but i declined and said i had plans the next few weeks although i really didnt. Something about him the next day made me change my mind. We talked one night at his work we hit it off. I have children and he had one as well. His family was religious and i loved that. He seemed to be everything i waited so long to find. Things started to move fast with us. He asked to hang out so i went to his work. We talked for a few weeks before hanging out. Soon enough he asked if we were friends or more than friends. He wanted to know if we were dating. So...i said yes what else did i have to lose he seemed perfect!!!I was never so happy. After dating we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. At the beginning we were crazy about each other so i thought. We talked about how weird it was to feel the way we felt about each other. We texted each other and called each other 1000 times a day. That soon stopped. He had stopped calling me as much as well as texting. He stopped returniing my phone calls on time. I would call him he wouldnt answer or his phone was off. He worked 2 jobs so i understand he was stressed. I gave him space i stopped calling and texting so much. I waited for him to call me. I figured i seemed to be pushing him away so i played hard to get. Then he started getting mad and jealous when i wouldnt call him first or text him. He suddenly had no interest to see me or had other plans but he called the last time to have sex and i said no so he went home. When we were together he was all about me i dont get it. I said some mean things after he went home and refused to come see me. Afterwards i apologized through a text what happened? He won't talk to me. I apologzed if i ever hurt his feelings even when i knew he was getting mad at me and in the wrong for not calling him or accusing me of things. I was crazy in love with him. dont understand it. It was only a month and a half of knowing him and i was madly in love with him. I never cried so much in my life can someone please help to figure this out. Why is he doing this to me?

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He is a DJ.

My cousin was a DJ he had women all over him.

Hell, I just hung out in the booth with him sometimes & that was enough to hook up.


sorry but it sounds like he was seeing other women or you got too clingy for him or both.

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