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how do i save this realtionship?

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My partner and I met 5 years ago and have been together since, we've had a lot of ups and downs and seperated for a white a few times but have always ended back together. I wanted to marry him and was just about to give u when he finally proposed this year valentines day yes i did a lot of nagging too i admit but i never forced him to do it that he had to do himself. we're not rich we struggle but could afford a wedding. A nice one too and i had one all planned for april next year which is when he chose to get married yes ladies i let him chose the date :)


then out of the blue on saturday after being at my parents for the day he's not happy and thinks we should wait 6 -12 months to be in a better position financially. he's in debt we're paying it off and have years of it to go so we wont be any better of in 6 to 12 months time and will still have the same wedding same costs ect. I dont understand why he wants to postpone when everything was fine one minute then the next not. i have given up everything for him, made sacrifices and lied to protect him, i have never asked for anything but this from him, he's never sacrificed for me, lied for me or given anything up for me. Which okay isnt a good thing, and yes he does lie and go behind my back to my parents something i have fough with him over.


I dont understand why in one day he's not okay with it.


i gave him the ring back and said that he betrayed me by talking to my family behind my back and that he needs to be honest with me and talk to me not them. how can i know whats goingon if i get two different stories. I called my family and asked them what he said and they said, they said they didn't say to end it or postpone the wedding it all him they asked why we wanted to get married and then he said all these lies to them.


I gave him the ring back because i love him and want to marry him but its clear to me that prehapse postponing it is his way of asking for an out even though he saus he does want to marry me.

what do you think?


if he wanted to marry me then why does 6 or 12 months matter?

when he knows we'll still be in the same financial situation and i still want the same wedding?


do i wait for him or move on to someone who will be better for me?

we have a son which make sit hard too and live together neither of us can afford to move out.


what do i do?

he wont talk to me now about it,

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