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Worried and stressed about my girl possibly cheating


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My name is Jarrett and i've been dating my fiancee for 3 years and I found out recently that she has kissed another man and hse is beginning to fall for him I don't know what to do it's driving me insane I love her wiht all my heart and i'm going to fight for her I just don't know what I can do he fits her description of what she's looking for perfectly he's got a better car a better job a better everything, I can't loose her I just don't know what to do many different things have been happening if you need me to go into more detail I will.

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I am a little curious if she's with you, why she kissed another guy?? Why is she falling for him when she has you? Why are you putting up with it? You sound like you are a little insecure, and that's a bad thing. You need to take a step back and look at this situation. What would she do if you were doing this to her? It sounds like you deserve more then she has to offer.

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I know you love her, but if she loved you she wouldn't be messing around with someone else. There's nothing you can do to make her stay around, she has to want that. Just be careful or she's going to give you a broken heart.

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I agree why would you be so willing to fight for her when she wants someone who has "better" cars etc. she should love you for who you are not what you own


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Originally posted by Lieger0panzer

i'm going to fight for her I just don't know what I can do he fits her description of what she's looking for perfectly


You said it yourself mate: He fits her description of exactly what she's looking for. Doesn't that imply that you don't fit exactly what she's looking for? If that be the case, what is there left to be done? You need to let her go.

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