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Calling all guys out there??

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Still waiting for an answer on the what do guys want for valentines day?? I want to do something sweet and romantic for my guy, but i don't want it to be corny. Any ideas???

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Gotta love that Dave - he's definitely a man after my own heart!



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Originally posted by Dave1234

some bird-lay



I think that means sex.



What kind of hobbies does he have?

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is he 18 or older? if yes


I TOLD YOU THIS before, either a watch, cologne, or new wallet. if he's not that type of guy then he can just go screw himself.

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Originally posted by TEETER

Still waiting for an answer on the what do guys want for valentines day?? I want to do something sweet and romantic for my guy, but i don't want it to be corny. Any ideas???


Buying him a material object might work, but taking the time to plan something special for him might be even better. I'm thinking I'll be alone this Valentine's, but for my last one all I got was a stupid thing of chocolates. Chocolates that I hate, that my girl at the time ended up gulping down in record time no doubt.


Now if she had taken the time to try to buy me something that would mean a lot to me, that was very thoughtful I would have loved it.


What she did do right was make me this cute little valentine and tell me how much she cared.


To me a new shirt/wallet/thing of cologne is icky unless I really needed one. And chocolates are just tacky.


Make him feel special. How about a back massage? You don't have to be good at giving massages... Just make it meaningful.


Kick him in the back really hard before though, just in case. You know, make sure he'll appreciate it :)

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Originally posted by Dave1234

some bird-lay


Pretty obvious -- it's a combination of the open turkey and dick-lay! Dave, am I even close? :laugh:



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What's wrong with corny? If you can, plan a nice romantic dinner for the two of you, followed by a warm bath, jacuzzi or hot tub, followed by a soft, sensual evening of mutual pleasure.


Works for me :o

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Give him a massage. A long, deep, sensual, full-body massage. Use a massage oil, lightly scented, play soft music, have him disrobe and lie on the bed or floor. If modesty is an issue, use a towel. How far the massage goes is up to you and your partner.

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Okay, who was the one who thought Dave was a waste of bandwidth?? Where are they now!?!?

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Get yourself pierced in a sexy place, if that's his kind of thing. (Hey, it's just a suggestion). I know I'd enjoy something like that...

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A nice card, some flowers sent to work, take me out for a romantic diner, and romance and love after.


That would be the best for me.

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