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Dear LS Family Please Support Me Through This One................

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:( Im so devastated right now I have been trying to make things work between my bf and I, but I gave up this morning. Because he treated me so badly and I kept going back for more over and over again. I guess something in me just snapped and I said F this and called him last night and asked him if I coud talk to him face to face. He said sure I went over there and the minute I sat down on his bed I fell asleep. I cant sleep at home since he moved out but every time he has me over I fall asleep instantly. Its so embarrassing. :o


Anyway I asked him why does he treat me so badly? And it was because I let him and came back and kept buying him things and giving him things and sticking my head so far up his ass that I couldnt see the forest for the trees. But I told him I was not going to do that to myself anymore, and that I would not be calling him or coming over to see him any more. And he said it isnt that he dont like seeing me its how I act when we talk on the phone. I dont know what he meant, but it didnt matter anyway I was through. I grabbed my purse and walked away without looking back and it hurt so so much. We would of been together 1 year this Feb 8th. I still cant get him out of my veins he runs through them and I can feel it, its almost scary. But I feel better already I feel good that I did that cuz he was tearing my heart to shreds everyday. Well, any in put would be welcome, some support from my fellow LS family is definately needed at this time.

You all are the greatest people that live, :bunny: I Love all of you for everything I read here helps me in some way. :love:


Peace Out! :p

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I know how you are feeling, and people can tell you a hundred things, but you have to know in your heart that this is for the best, and you deserve someone that would treat you a lot better then that. This situation sucks and you are going to rack your brain over and over trying to figure out how things could have been different, and what you could have done. Even though in your head you already know that the way he treated you was not your fault, and things wouldn't have been any different. I wish you the best of luck, and you will find the right guy out there somewhere that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, and you won't have to tell him how to do it. Good Luck

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Just a quick note to let you know were here for you and good luck~ you are very strong


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...And he said it isnt that he dont like seeing me its how I act when we talk on the phone. I dont know what he meant, but it didnt matter...


If he couldn't give you some simple feedback on something like this, I doubt if he could have given you anything else you needed.


Some people do sound/act differently on the phone, as opposed to in person. The telephone, to people like this, is just too impersonal a way of communicating. Especially when your first communication with a person is by phone - you meet them in person later on and they are so much more relaxed and warmer. Understandable to be sure.


Hang in there! You'll come out of this all right - I can feel it.

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:rolleyes: He has text messeged me and want to come over here tonight. I am wondering why and if I should let him. He seems to be acting funny. But reguardless thanks to you all for giving me encouragement. Im one of those whom needs it, I have no family, none at all, no relatives so its really hard for me to go it alone with no one to turn to. Thanks to LS I feel I have somewhat of a family.


Peace :p:love:

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Did you end up seeing him and getting any clarification regarding the 'telephone' thing????


Sometimes, people want out of a relationship and can't put their finger on any one thing...so they say stupid stuff. Maybe if you guys get together you can talk it out.


Then again, he's treating you like crap and love isn't about you feeling like you've got to kiss A$$. Either someone makes you feel good about yourself and loved or it's not worth fooling with. You don't want to spend the rest of your life with someone who disregards the fact that you are a person and have feelings too. You've got to be respected.


Well, let us know how it goes when you talk to him.



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I also wish to send you my best wishes and support...let us know how things worked out for you...I'm sure you will be strong and do what is best for you.

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:( Well he came over last night but the reason he came was to search my history on my internet service. To get 100.00 from me on a loan and to be as cold as ice. I was so shook up when he asked me to make him something to eat I couldnt I kept burning everything and Im an excellent cook. I was kind of hoping for some affection. But he only stayed for an hour or so. Then his friend called and off he ran. Yeah so I spent the rest of the night in tears. But I feel better now :laugh: And I havent called him at all today. And I servived just fine. Everytime there is peace and quiet all I can do is think aboout him. I hate it so much.
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I hope you didn't give him the money. If you did "I should slap you silly." sorry I say that to my friend every time she does something she shouldn't. Anyway I know what your going through is hard, but you got ot stop letting him walk all over you. Your not his door mat or anyone elses for that matter. You deserve to be treated with some respect. I hope you burnt his food black as charcoal. He deserves that. Forget the LOSER and then your grey skies will clear up.

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Originally posted by greyskies

:( Well he came over last night but the reason he came was to search my history on my internet service....


What on earth for? That's none of his business.


If he wanted something to eat he should have gone to a diner or fast food joint.


Don't let him come over any more - for any reason.

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Hi, I'm fairly new to LS, but I read your post and wanted to add, good for you for sticking up for yourself! I only wish I had the same strength you do. I'm glad you got out now, early enough, before it's years and years and then you realize you should have left long ago.


I know it must be tough right now, but as everyone says it does get better with time. Stick by your decision, stay strong. We're all here for you.


Sending you a " :) " for today. You deserve it!

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Originally posted by Silver

Hi, I'm fairly new to LS, but I read your post and wanted to add, good for you for sticking up for yourself! I only wish I had the same strength you do. I'm glad you got out now, early enough, before it's years and years and then you realize you should have left long ago.


I know it must be tough right now, but as everyone says it does get better with time. Stick by your decision, stay strong. We're all here for you.


Sending you a " :) " for today. You deserve it!

Thank you Silver and everyone for having my back. It is so wonderful being part of this you all are so wise. I laugh to myself when we are giving others advice were so wise and yet when it comes to making those same decisions for ourselves were lost. :lmao: :lmao: What the hell is wrong with us?
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