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email mix-up? is this possible?

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So I wrote an email inviting my friends out, and somehow

my emailed crossed with someones from hotmail... the email

returned to me, but in the to line there was email address to

someone else who I never wrote to. The body of my message

had parts of my message, and their message-to the effect of

thanks for the great weekend I'm sore, papa bear! Needless to

say I'm embarrassed (my friends think its funny!) but I'm worried

that now there's a virus in my email... Have any of you come across

something like this? I can't imagine writing someone like my supervisor

and having him find it funny thanking him for a great weekend! HELP!!!

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Yes, I have had that happen. It was not a virus in my case - more like the email provider crossed a few wires while two email providers were merging. I emailed an address and the mail went to another domain. This f-up persisted for about a week, then stopped.


Scary though...paper can go astray, and so can email. It just requires a little human error somewhere along the way.

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I sent a sexy email to someone once......and accidentally sent it to one of my supervisors at work instead! Now THAT was embarrassing! I've learned not to hit send without a double check if I'm drinking beer. LOL!


Sometimes if an email is forwarded...a person can reply to "ALL" and accidentally send it to other people who were originally on the particular email thread of addresses, rather than the one person it was intended for.


In your case...it seems like there was just a hotmail glitch. It doesn't happen often....but when it does....it has weird effects.


Did anything come of it?

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