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Personally, Valentine's day is so much more thatn just being with someone. I know you hear this all the time but ...it's just being with the people you love and enjoy the time with them.

I joke about it that it was invented by Hallmark...lol

but Im off so...who knows?


TAKE care

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Those commercials are meant for one thing and that is to sell. They want to show you how "perfect" your relationship would be if one of those diamonds were added in it. Dont feel bad and dont force yourself to be with someone just for the sake of it. But it can be special if the circumstances are right.

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I understand how you feel. I hate Valentines Day too, but I also don't care for any of the other holidays. But that is where you, I and others have to change our attitudes on being lonely and hating the holidays.


Maybe you need to go out more to be amongst people. I know that is what I have to do. I have to do alot to get to where I want to be, but if you are so sick of being alone, then you have to do something about it. I know, easier said then done, but that is the only way you will meet people so your Valentines DAy is not lonely.


Step out of your comfort zone and do something that you normally would not do whether it is joining an organization, going out with the girls or guys, just something for you to talk to others.


Valentines Day is not so bad being single, but it is nice to have someone be in your life where you feel loved and cared about. That is why if you want a change of not being alone anymore, then do something about it. Take the initiative to meet people and talk to men or women or whatever sex your looking for.

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