Dixiecron Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 Dario, Yeah, there's no place like home Arabess, I know you're over 35 (though you don't look a day over 30, of course). I wish I could take the younger women in the D.C. area and swap all their brains with the women over 35. That way everyone would be happy. The older women would go out with guys that actually had money, and the younger ones would be happy with chicken wings and cold beer. All these damn lawyers in town spoil too many of the women around here trying to buy them. If you think the $20 deal in your town is gross, ask some of the older sailors if they ever had a little R&R in Subic Bay... Link to post Share on other sites
Arabess Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 YES THEY HAVE! I hear there is a woman there who can pick up a quarter with her 'love' organ.....Oh...and the one who can spit bananas across the room with hers! I can't do any of that.....but DID master drinking beer standing on my head. Link to post Share on other sites
Dixiecron Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 Ha! Try some kegel exercises or something (damn, I'm getting bad tonight). I've had the dollar bill pick up, but not the quarter. Wonder what she'd do with a Susan B. Anthony? Don't get me started on the "love organ" jokes, I've already had a few beer bandaids (obviously). OK ALL YOU AUSSIES and LIMEYS and DAMN YANKS: I propose an LS road trip to the Phillipines... Monkey buys the first round, after which we shall find him a young Phillipina who wants a banana going in the other direction... Link to post Share on other sites
Arabess Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 Yes....Dr Icehouse is also caring for me as his favorite patient! Actually, Subic Bay told us to get the hell out. So has Japan. I guess they don't appreciate our USA form of sexiness. Japan said we were 'too much of an environmental impact'. HAHA! Seriously, they are correct. I know all about the 'under pumping' of the Navy and it has nothing to do with sex. Link to post Share on other sites
Dixiecron Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 "Actually, Subic Bay told us to get the hell out. So has Japan. I guess they don't appreciate our USA form of sexiness. " AAHHH, they'll be back once they know what they're missing... Dr. Merlot has just ended his shift and Dr. Miller is now making the rounds. "too much of an environmental impact" HA! I love the way the Japanese can say things in a way that doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers (must maintain the outer appearances, of course) and still say exactly what they want. I know what you mean about government under pumping, I'm a contractor too, but it still sounds damn funny. I'm going to have to try that one on the next govt. girl I meet around here. Heh. I'll never under pump you, sweetie Link to post Share on other sites
Arabess Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 I work for Atlantic Marine. Check you PM's. Link to post Share on other sites
monkey Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 I sold up here, finished my job to start a life with her in America, the photos were of us supposedly as friends, but she still held my hand & wrote me letters of the future & meeting up & seeing what this day brings. I sent her a copy of this letter that gave me a focus. Everything is on pause here, i love her more now than ever & can't give up, she's everything i ever wanted in a woman & you don't know how destroying it is to think that my prob pushed her away. The guilt i feel. Why, if only we could just be adults & sit & talk about it & get things out in the open. She doesn't want to hurt me, but i'm hurting so much. I feel like going out with my mates & getting really drunk, but i've had to stop drinking because of the anxiety, so i see none of them now. I can't believe that after spending everyday together nearly for 15 months & now she can say things like she has about meeting others, when before we parted she promised me we would meet & see what happens, it kills me to think of her with others, because i never did anything to hurt her purposely. I can't trust anyone anymore & when i try doing the things i like it reminds me of her, because we did them together. Link to post Share on other sites
drake102 Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 Originally posted by monkey I can't believe that after spending everyday together nearly for 15 months & now she can say things like she has about meeting others, when before we parted she promised me we would meet & see what happens, it kills me to think of her with others, because i never did anything to hurt her purposely. I can't trust anyone anymore & when i try doing the things i like it reminds me of her, because we did them together. Yes it does indeed hurt and the aches are a constant knowing that your the one in pain and that she maybe out and having a ball with some person whom she sees fit. But people change , feelings changes. I was with my last girlfriend for two years and she just ended it two sundays ago and she already has a new boyfriend or whatever in her life, and she set up the first date with him before we broke it off no less. What i'm saying here is she is out meeting other people what keeping you from doing the same. Don't hold on to the promise she made you about meeting up and seeing what happens , your just playing into her games and letting her know she can still come back and manipulate you is just gonna leave your ass hanging out to get bitten again. If anything better yourself and show her what she left behind. It's good that you can't let go , that means you have love in your heart. Give that love to the next person that comes along. It's gonna take time a whole lot of precious time. You've seen better days I'm sure. Link to post Share on other sites
monkey Posted March 2, 2004 Share Posted March 2, 2004 Cheers Drake, i feel for you man, that sucks! She tells me she wants no-one & to be free, this says to me that the other stuff she said was to hurt me & the fact that people do change their feelings, i hold onto, yes, i keep my options open, but who knows the future. I'm just in a position of not wanting to give my love to anyone else, because i can't & i am not like that, if i love someone, i love them, no-one else, but it can all change i expect! Link to post Share on other sites
Author Durden Posted March 8, 2004 Author Share Posted March 8, 2004 I got a few texts from my ex asking how i am and how my new job is going. I was thinking about not replying, but in the end i did. Just told her the new job is fine and ive settled in ok. Didnt tell her what ive been up to. Just said i was feeling happier and go to the gym everyday. I Didnt tell her i missed her or anything! I gave up on that one! Was thinking during the week if she text me i'd just ignore her, but I thought what the hell, no point being spiteful. I have made no effort in contacting her since she told me to leave her alone, always been her contacting me. Dont know what to make of it sometimes. I'm in no way getting my hopes up, having fun on my own anyway.I Do miss her, but not going to start telling her i do! Link to post Share on other sites
fishman3226 Posted March 8, 2004 Share Posted March 8, 2004 I know the feeling Durden - mine keeps coming over - hell she even stayed over the other night (no, no sex) and tells me that she loves me holding her and so on. Bloody hurts but I would not drop it. I aint going to contact her but it is hard. I feel that I can convince her, but I know that she needs to miss me and crave me to realise. I am tyrying to move on and meet others, but it is hard, especially when I am so in love with this girl. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Durden Posted March 8, 2004 Author Share Posted March 8, 2004 I havent seen my ex since we split, it was bloody horrible at the start, but not so hard now, been nearly 2 months. Link to post Share on other sites
MeToo Posted March 9, 2004 Share Posted March 9, 2004 That’s the spirit, Durden! These two (2) months have weathered you. With time, we grow stronger in our emotional state. You seem to be coming out rather nicely. But rest assured, you are not out of the woods yet. Beware of the “nice” talk she might have to offer. Since you were the initial instigator of correspondence, you need to “test” the waters a little closer. What I mean is let her institute the dialog for a change. Reject (don’t answer) calls or letters you deem as inquisitive. Keep you conversations brief. Take back your manhood that was loss through this person earlier. Although you still love her, think with your head now, then later with your heart. Show this balance in your conversations and text letters. Remember, life goes on with her or without her and there will be many, many new relationships you will explorer. Sure, this is a setback in your life and it won’t be the last. Do you know if there is another guy in her life? If so, that is probable the catalyst for this “resurgence” to talk with you again. Remember, some women go from man to man looking for “Mr. Right”. What they find is someone who is a little more devious than they are. Then they try to “get back” to the one they “kicked to the curve”. What a sad individual they are. These two (2) months apart has produced “a lot of water under the bridge”. If you do decide to go back with her, there will be new things she will bring along with her. If you decide not to (and I do mean you decide) go back with her, then be a pleasant friend boy to her IF YOU SO DECIDE!! Link to post Share on other sites
Author Durden Posted March 9, 2004 Author Share Posted March 9, 2004 I have no idea if she is with someone else. And i dont really want to know. Would hurt too much at the moment. I'm not making contact with her. Havent heard from her for a cple of days anyway. I'm beginning to have a laugh in my new job, was a total miserable bastard when i first started there! I'm puting on weight and feeling better in myself as well. Been having a laugh at weekends. Still think of her alot, but not 24/7. Cheers for the encouagement anyway, always helps! Link to post Share on other sites
monkey Posted March 10, 2004 Share Posted March 10, 2004 Fishman, that must be a right pain, her coming over & hugging you & whatever, whats her game Durden, that's true, i wouldn't want to know anything like that. In my heart i feel she has no-one, because she said she wants to be alone & she is very choosy, too choosy & has lots of rules!, that most wouldn't put up with, mabe thats me & because she's Hungarian, it may be the norm there, but i don't know! Can they just forget & not have nice thoughts of the past, can they just totally wipe it from their minds & go on without being inquisitive, i couldn't. MeeToo, your correct, i've done enough instigating the dialogue & it hasn't done any good, so i shall leave it to her. She said she'd reply to 1 a week mail, but even not sending that mabe a good idea, curious she may become, the push & pull thing! Link to post Share on other sites
MeToo Posted March 10, 2004 Share Posted March 10, 2004 Sometimes we just have to “let well enough alone” monkey. Being the initiator of a conversation tends to give the other half the misconception of “I want you back”. This is true but our conversations should not give the impression of “I want you back at all cost!” The illusion of “he/she wants me bad” takes precedence in that person’s mind and then they can move along at a snail’s pace in patching things up. Usually there is “another” guy or girl in the wings. The “bird in the hand” psychology is used. If that “other” guy or girl doesn’t work out, then they can always come back to you. Sad! You have lots of people playing this type of game and get away with it. As I have posted yesterday to a reply, “Men are from Mars; women are from Venus”. Both looks at a relationship differently. Men are more able to get over a broken relationship faster than his counterpart. When this thing called LOVE reach it’s zenith (either the man or the woman) and the relationship breaks, the road back down to earth is a lot rockier especially for the man. The women; they talk and share their grief. But for the man; he holds it in a lot longer producing all kinds of behavior changes. Only when it gets to an “unbearable” state does he tells or ask for help. Usually, his “road back” is a lot simpler than he ever could imagine. In my reply to this website’s post, I always encourage the posting individual to “spill it all”. Then when he is ready to open a dialog with the woman, the healing process can begin. Talk, talk, more talk is always good but not too much talk. It can also be a turn off. We men must learn when to just “shut up” and let the beginning stages of healing take place. Link to post Share on other sites
fishman3226 Posted March 10, 2004 Share Posted March 10, 2004 Gets worse, she is know also telling me that she now wants no contact for a month then she will contact me and we can meet up to be friends.... Hmm..... if I am not worthy enough to have a relationship then why am I good enough for her friendship? This woman used me for her own end and she wants to keep a hold on me in the off chance I am deemed worthy enough to have contact with. Ummmm...... how about go rot in your own self created hell. I gave you everything, hell, I lost my kids for four months cause I wanted to be with her and now I am not worthy enough for her love? Maybe she should lose my comfort and love and then she will realise fully what she has done. In the dark when her demons come back I aint gonna be there no more - and I choose that. Bitter? Yes. Vindicated. Oath I am. Link to post Share on other sites
MeToo Posted March 10, 2004 Share Posted March 10, 2004 What is this song she is singing, fisherman? Is she in the military? Is she going to boot camp? Will her secret lover be taking her to Paris? Regardless of the answer, the bells and whistles should be going off for you. The “she will contact me” is all most men will need to shut this door for good. No one likes to be “played” for a fool and certainly that dialog has “FOOL” written all over it. The phrase “absence make the heart grow fonder” does not apply here. You do the math. Link to post Share on other sites
fishman3226 Posted March 10, 2004 Share Posted March 10, 2004 Regardless of the answer, the bells and whistles should be going off for you. Dont worry they are - hell, I am hoping I have the opportunity to spend one night with her or maybe have the opportunity to have some intimacy cause I want to take it from her and then throw to the curb. She suffers from depression, but she also suffers from a self delusion of her own selfishness. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Durden Posted March 10, 2004 Author Share Posted March 10, 2004 Fishman, dont bother, she aint worth it. Link to post Share on other sites
MeToo Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 Fishman, the amount of love you had for this person is dictating your "finale". If through your lost relationship with her you gave your all, then "payback is in order. If that knife that was placed in your heart is the size of a butcher's knife, she knows you will always be panting like a love-struck puppy. There are many stories in the "Necked City" and it sounds to me, yours is one of them. I don't advocate repayment for crimes of the heart but I do support "The Big Payback". Women of this level will go through life "inflicting" crimes of the heart and get totally away with it. We really don't know how many other men she has done this to but as I tell others, "the buck stops here!" Someone has to show her that they too can be just as devious as she is. I just finished dishing out "the big payback" and it was very sweet. She won't look at another man for quite some time (no physical harm). It took me well over six (6) months to pull it off and boy did it felt good! As I said before, women of this calibre needs to be destroyed, I mean TOTALLY destroyed! Payback is a mother! Link to post Share on other sites
fishman3226 Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 It gets better - I found out today that she was also doing drugs when she was with me - something I completely despise - even when I had the kids over. She is a low form of life that I now have nothing but complete contempt for. I want nothing to do with her at all. I plan the 'payback' and I will have my vengeance. I aint gonna hurt her, but I can tell you she will remmeber me in years to come. I am disgusted that I wasted my time on her. SHe can die for all I care. Link to post Share on other sites
fishman3226 Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 What was th epayback there Metoo? I am intrigued... Link to post Share on other sites
Author Durden Posted March 11, 2004 Author Share Posted March 11, 2004 Skip my last post, do it fishman!! ****ing bitch! Link to post Share on other sites
SoleMate Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 The vicious anger that is being displayed by some posters towards their ex's is appalling. If nothing else, you should be aware that other women may come to know of your ugly thoughts and deeds, and this will not help you attract the best ones. If you continue to nurture this aggressive hatred, before long you're going to be totally rotted out inside. Link to post Share on other sites
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