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How do you just get laid?


I don't want any commitments or any strings attached, but it seems like I have a hard time approaching guys...and I don't want to go out hunting at bars either.


How do you do it?

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Well, I think there's a lot of elements to "just getting laid."


Uno, and this one is pretty easy to apprehend, is physical attractiveness. To be blunt, if you look sexy, people are more likely to want to have sex with you without delay. Keep yourself in shape, spend time making yourself look good--you've heard all that before. But at least for me, it's a big thing--you want to be f*cking (I include the asterisk or else LoveTalk will censor the whole thing!) a pretty fine person.


Dos, your demeanor, that is how you act also really plays a part. Even if you aren't stunningly beautiful, you can "ooze sexuality" all the same, at least to a certain degree. How to do this is a matter of individual testing the waters and seeing what works for them, but the basic theory is to flout your inhibitions and flaunt everything you got.


Tres, I hate to repeat the traditional mantra, but Location, Location, Location. You don't need to go to bars to pick people up (in fact, I think that going to bars gives you a bad pool to choose from and a bad environment). Find someplace that you are comfortable with, an activity that you enjoy doing and look for people that interest you there. The key is not to go out of your way to go someplace /just/ to meet people: much of the time, it has been my experience that you can tell when someone is just there to look, and for a lot of people, that's a turn-off.


Quatro, be forward. Once you've identified who you want, spend a short while making pleasantries, and then go for it. Make sure you're not soliciting a married person (or that you are, if you like that sort of thing), try to check to make sure the person isn't going to disappoint you terribly, and then go for the kill. Say that you want sex, want it soon and now, and don't want to be caught up in a complicated "relationship."


I should stress that success in this final step (e.g. "Let's go f*ck") is in most ways dependent upon your success in establishing steps Uno, Dos, and Tres, although it's also in some ways dependent on your target's idiosyncratic views of what s/he wants from a person. If you did uno, dos, tres right, you should be successful at least most of the time.


But this isn't over yet! Once you've had your well-earned sex with the target, you /use/ that sex to help you next time. If you are a person who /wants/ casual sex as a rule, then you want to establish that reputation. Therefore, Cinco, make sure that everyone knows that you went home with a guy and are willing to do it again. This goes hand in hand with Dos, but where Dos stresses personal sexuality, Cinco stressed experience. The message you want to send is: don't be afraid to go with me, I've done this before and I'll do it again. While it's great (at least IMHO) to break virgin ground, most people feel safe on well-tested earth.


So there you go--a very broad, five step plan to getting some on a regular basis. If you want more personalized help, you'll have to provide more personalized details and problems. :)



How do you just get laid?


I don't want any commitments or any strings attached, but it seems like I have a hard time approaching guys...and I don't want to go out hunting at bars either. How do you do it?

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Well This is a good way to get started I guess. I think the way to get laid is a art and should not be taken lightly. But any more with relationships they way thay are now a days every one lieing being some one thay are not just to acheive that altament goal getting lucky. Casual sex is proboly the best way to go. As far advise goes every one and any one can give all of the advise thay want to to you but I think the only real advise is just start to talk to some one and if thay seem like thay are the one for the night then just let them know it. And be totaly unist with them that this is not a comitment it is just gonna happen and thats all. Don't call me I'll call you and so fourth. Lately I have not had the best of luck in realation ships. It all comes down to once bitten twice shy so yes I to am looking for that same thing a swinging door type realation ship so if you do find a easier way or a way that works for you please let me know to please.



How do you just get laid?


I don't want any commitments or any strings attached, but it seems like I have a hard time approaching guys...and I don't want to go out hunting at bars either. How do you do it?

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