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date ideas

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I am 20 and the guy that been dating is 21. We have been dating for about three months, and we have a great time together. It feels like we have been dating longer, we just seem to click with each other. We say I love you to each other, he is the one who said it first. We were talking the other night, about how neither of us, have been in a long relationship. Since we have been dating for a few months, I am starting to worry that he might get tired of me, and want someone new to date. I could be just paranoid. I am just looking for some advice on how to keep your relationship interesting? Does anyone have any date ideas? Any ideas I would greatly appreciate. Thanks kim.

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billy the kid

Hey Kim


try doing stuff that you both enjoy. also sometimes do things that he likes but you don't particularly care to do,like going to a football game with him. travel together explore the country around you together, weekend trips. bed and breakfast type of settings. I always find it nice waking up in a different bed with the same person..

I am 20 and the guy that been dating is 21. We have been dating for about three months, and we have a great time together. It feels like we have been dating longer, we just seem to click with each other. We say I love you to each other, he is the one who said it first. We were talking the other night, about how neither of us, have been in a long relationship. Since we have been dating for a few months, I am starting to worry that he might get tired of me, and want someone new to date. I could be just paranoid. I am just looking for some advice on how to keep your relationship interesting? Does anyone have any date ideas? Any ideas I would greatly appreciate. Thanks kim.
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I think you are worry too much.


You are not in business to keep a guy entertained and busy. If the relationship cannot sustain itself on the interests the two of you have, any ideas that might keep it going for another week or two will be of no significance.


Find out what he enjoys and do it. Let him do the things you are interested in. Find simple things like walks, good converation, doing things with friends, to pass the time.


Maybe the two of you are seeing each other too much. Start spending a bit more time away from each other.


Scan your local newspaper and see what events are going on that may be of interest to both of you. See what kinds of bobby or other classes are being given that both of you could attend together.


If you are beginning to run out of ways to relate to each other after three months, can you imagine being married to him for a lifetime??? What a trip!!!

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