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hurtful words

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today my boyfriend and i got into an argument b/c i wanted to go out to dinner but he was to tired to go out yet not too tired to have his friends come over. i said a few mean things just too make him angry because thats what i do when im upset. he asked if i would call him tomorrow and i said no i dont want too just to be spiteful and he got upset. he brought up how he was not going to florida for a week to spend time with me (but in reality he cant afford to go b/c he has bills to pay) b/c i was sad he was leaving me. then he said well your having surgery and you cant come too see me for a whole week so your leaving me. i am having a surgical procedure done called a laparoscopy which is where they make an incesion in the belly botton and stick a camera in there to check for endometriosis. usaually patients have to rest for 3days to a week afterwars and if they find endo further surgery might be required. what he said really hurt. was it my fault for starting the argument? what should i say to him tomorrow?

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I don't think that you should have had and agrument about something petty like going out for supper and b/c his friends came over. Maybe he just didn't feel like going out. Alot of restaurants hve take out service. Instead of getting mad ask him if he wants take out next time. Another reason for him not wanting to go out is possibly, bills are higher on the priority list then restaurant food or he didn't want say that he was broke. I honestly think you owe him an apology. Next time when you feel angry instead of ranting and raving, calmly tell him how you feel and why you feel that way. You will both be much happier.


Good Luck with your laparoscopy. I had one done a few years ago.

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I didn't want to say and scare you. But you asked. The surgury went fine no problems. The gas they use (laparoscopy & dye study with laser treatment)

evelates to one of the shoulders and that was excruciating (I have no pain tolerence) I was down for a week and a half my blood levels droped for some

reason, when I felt some what ok to walk around but after a couple of minutes I would feel faint. Every time I have demoral or morphine I react this way. I'm not sure which drug causes this, my brother is the same way. So like I said I had a little more done then a lap. I am a complete whimp and I react to drugs. I'm sure your surgury will be just fine. I've had friends that have had this done as well. They told me the pain in the shoulder was tough but other then that It's no big deal. I won't lie to you the pain in the shoulder is unbelievable. Sorry.

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i have excellent pain tolerance but i have heard from other people that the gas is unbareable. it makes it difficult to sleep stand or go to the bathroom. ive never had morphine before but i think all pain meds make you light headed. im just concerned about the gas what i can eat, how long will i have to stay off my feet for.

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I hope your test results come out fine. Endometriosis is a tough health condition to deal with.


As far as your boyfriend....you were stressed out and said some stupid stuff. Just tell him you are sorry.

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I've had 3 laparoscopies, all related to endometriosis. The first one, of course, was to confirm that I had it. They cauterized the areas that had it. Same with the second one. The 3rd one I had was done about 8 yrs later, and believe it or not, I was told that the endo was completely gone. Mine was not ever as severe as with some women. My biggest symptoms were just a HELLUVA lot of pain during intercourse, particularly in certain positions.


And yes, shoulder pain after the surgery is pretty common. They use a special gas to inflate the pelvic area/abdomen.....so that they can more easily visualize the organs inside (uterus, etc).....and this gas does cause shoulder pain. I found that to be the most aggravating post-op...I don't recall it lasting that long, though...maybe a couple of days. They only gave me a shot of Demerol pre-op, and some post-op (standard procedure) and I was advised to take Ibuprofen (aka Motrin or Advil) at home afterwards.....every 4-6 hrs. It helped a lot, because it has an "anti-inflammatory" component to it (unlike Tylenol).


The only sorta surprising things I found, right after I'd had the procedures, and was in the recovery room (things nobody had told me about, and I'm an RN and didn't know)..was that very commonly after this kind of procedure, when you're "waking up", you'll be crying......and you'll not know why. So don't be surprised if you do. Also, the last time I had a lap, I felt freezing and horribly shaky while coming to...........I don't think I actually WAS all shaky like I felt, but the anesthetist (who was also a friend of mine) told me that some people react this way to anesthetic....it was good to be told this because prior to being told, I was really damn worried!


I'm sure you'll do just fine!!! Good luck.

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