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Any ideas for getting through Valentines Day?


For the last 9 years of my life since my divorce, with the exception of one, I have not had anyone special on Valentines Day and I've tried it all; taking myself out to dinner, buying things for myself and my little boy, watching movies, ignoring the media hype, getting together with a Platonic male friend, or female friends...now this year I've only been broken up with someone a month and I'm feeling especially sad.


This year one friend has an s/o, the other moved out of state last summer, and I have no male friends. I'm also very tight on money. Since it's on a Saturday, it makes for a long, difficult day to get through.

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You could go visit someone in a retirement center who doesn't have anyone to celebrate Valentine's Day with, a widow or widower. Take them some neat Valentine's stuff and sit and chat with them. I'm sure it would make their day and yours too. :)

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