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My name is Dawn and I am a cheater!

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Wounded Unicorn
Originally posted by jmargel

So having sex with another man is going to cure all of this? Sex and the feeling of being loved are TWO totally opposite things.


If your mate is not giving you what you need, and they are not trying to change or want to even acknowledge there is a problem, taking revenge which is what you are doing is not the answer. You are only trying to cover up your hurt by the feeling of being wanted by some stranger.


Having some guy fck you is not going to cure anything. I can guarantee that you won't feel any more beautiful or loved after some guy has had his way with you. Those are the type of guys that would screw anything under the sun. They'll tell you your sexy, desirable, etc.. anything you WANT to hear.


What I think you might want to do is start improving your own self-confidence. Don't let your own self-worth be based upon anyone else, including your husbands'. First step if you tried everything you could would be to leave. Leave knowing that you tried your best, and that no one else on this planet would have them be able to change their attitudes. Second step is to start doing things to make you happy, things that will help you build up your own personal self-worth.


Sounds likes you been through alot of pain, no need to get defensive, but its understandable.




I agree :)

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Wow and I was off for 3 days.

Unicorn Thank you. Your probably the only one who understands that you can only do so much before its really not your problem anymore.

Clancy that is a very valid point and I was worried about it, but it did seem to pick up slightly after our firstborn then drop completely off.

As for everything else I'm still reading

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Originally posted by Wounded Unicorn

And men act as if women should only achieve sexual pleasure when they are the ones giving it to them.


Uhm, okay.


I think that is just universal. Some women do that just as some men do. Say, like when some people get all up in arms over porn.

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I feel horrible, the guy I was screwing around with is a total creep. He wants me to move in with him and keeps telling me he F@$%king loves me. I told him right from the begining that I was not interested in any kind of emotional relationship, now at work he trys to pressure me in to going out with him all the time.

Yesterday I finally gave in to him and went for a short walk from work(<---dumbest thing i've ever done in my life)

as soon as we were out of sight of security cameras he forced himself on me. I stopped him before he got too far but me being a dumbass started yelling at him for doing that, instead of just running back to work. I told him what I really think of him, (hes ugly too short and I have no feelings for him) and he I though he was going to kill me. He grabbed me by the throat and held me down till I thought I was going to pass out. Something spooked him and he took off.

All I want to do is climb into a hole a dissapear, now I get to deal with this guy at work. With him being my supervisor this could really suck. the little F@$%ker deserves to be in jail but I know my bf will find out i've been cheating on him again and I don't know if he will stay, and right now the last thing I want is him to leave me.


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He sounds like a troll by the way you describe him...so what did you find so sexually appealing about him in the first place?


I don't know if I'm buying this story in its entirety, but stranger things have happened.


I always wondered what someone would do if their affair partner ever decided to twist the screws and threaten to go to the spouse? I’ve always had images of Glen Close in the movie Fatal Attraction!!


Whew, I’m so glad I’ve always had the foresight not to put myself in this kind of situation. I suppose that’s why I’ve always had a difficult time getting my mind around it and understanding why others do what they do. I believe people are responsible for their own unhappiness and create their own personal H*lls by way of the decisions they make. I try to muster up sympathy, but its fleeting at best when I begin to consider the avoidable circumstances.


But I’m working on it!


Thanks for sharing your story. Hopefully it will serve as a warning for others as it has for me!! :eek:

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Enigma really why would I even want to falsify any of this...because its so sounds so glamourous?Does it really sound like fun?(Trust me its not like some movie) Really think about that. I don't know if your male or female but if you are female and have ever had to go through anything like that i'm sure you would not have said that.

I know that I got myself into that situation and i'm not expecting sympathy it just felt better to say it. I do agree with you that people cause thier own unhappiness.

I had a feeling as soon as I left the building with him that it wasn't a good idea. I already admitted it was the stupidest thing I have ever done.

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You've never gotten any straight answers (not even close) as to why your BF/father of your 2 kids, doesn't want to have sex with you and sleeps in another bedroom......so you decide you'll go f*ck around on the side -- just for sex-- no emotional connection/relationship or anything -- just plain boinking.


So the guy you choose to boink is your SUPERVISOR AT WORK?


Oh my god. Are you related to DENTALASSISTANT who posts here?


So you leave your workplace, a place that's monitored with cameras....to go for a walk with someone you NOW say is "ugly and short" (though I guess that didn't really matter much when you were previously f*cking him).....what, you thought he was taking you on a nature walk or something? Okay, anyway....so while on COMPANY TIME (you DO know you could get fired for this, hey?), you "stopped him before he got too far"......(wow, I smell an Employee of the Month award comin')......and he allegedly nearly rapes or hurts you.


No offense, but if you're this lacking in judgement when it comes to proper behavior at work, I feel sorry for you kids because I'd wonder how your parenting skills/judgment is also. You stupidly put yourself into a dangerous, great-way-to-lose-your-job position.....but did you think of the consequences of what would happen if you lost your job or were raped and beaten and left lying somewhere?


I hope you lose your job, and your BF because you seriously need to do some big time growing up......again, I feel sorry for your children and your BF.


THough on the other hand, this is all starting to sound like a Danielle Steele: Trash to Treasure in the Trailer Park kind of novel in the making.

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Dawn why did you want our opinions on here if you weren't going to follow the majority? You quoted Unicorn's posts, but then totally neglected to see that she agrees with me after she read my latest post.


If you wanted to 'feel' beautiful why did you go after a short, gross man? You really put yourself into a big mess. You need to report this guy to the company, and be straight with your bf. Why are you even with your bf? If you want us to feel sorry for you, at least me, I can't. Read the post I made to unicorn and apply it to your situation. If you don't resolve this now, its just going to keep getting worse & worse.


I think you were just on here hoping to get one response in favor of you so that you might be able to try to clear a guilty conscious, all awhile disregarding what everyone else has to say. If you take 1,000 people and ask them the same question, of course you will get at least one response that is what you want to hear, but that doesn't make it right.


You know what you have to do..

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The posts of yours I read the more I feel you are allowing yourself to become a victim of circumstance. Please try and get some help so that you can achieve a degree of happiness in your life. Talk to your husband, friends and LS - try to regain a degree of control over what happens to you in your life. I wish you well.

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