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Tony, i need your advise

grape ape

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Me and my GF of 2 years broke up about 4 months ago. She broke up with me because i made her mad and because i yelled at her. (i know i was wrong) We didn't talk for the longest time. We just recently started talking and being friends. We even went out a couple weeks ago. Im sooo much in love with her and i know 100% in my heart that she is the one for me. By the way, im 23 and she is 18. I know she cares about me from the way she acts. She will not let me around any of her friends for some reason, she says that they are all HO's. I was way too nice to her (i pretty much kissed her ass) when we dated and i know that probably is another reason she broke up with me. After the first year we dated she told me she was in love with me and that she wanted to marry me. I know that if i have any chance at all to get her back, that i have to play it cool and not kiss her ass. She LOVES to play mind games, by the way. She plays mind games with me alot. Tony, please give me advise on how to get her back. Im not that good at that sort of thing and im not good at playing mind games. Im afraid that i will push her away if i push for a relationship. How do i find out if she still loves me? I would do anything to get her back as my girlfriend. Please help me!!!!!!

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Hi, I know I don't have Tony's expertise, but I though a woman's perspective might be in order!


Do you really think you want to marry a woman who plays "mind games?" At 18 she is probably not old enough to know if she is ready for that kind of commitment. However, she should be mature enough not to play games.


Second, in the beginning of your note you said she broke up with you because you "made her mad and yelled at her." I'm not sure that your strategy of "playing it cool and not kissing her ass" will yield the desired results. If you are serious about "doing anything to get her back" I would suggest you treat her as a lady, respect her and LISTEN! Usually we let you guys know what we need, then it's up to you to come through.


Me and my GF of 2 years broke up about 4 months ago. She broke up with me because i made her mad and because i yelled at her. (i know i was wrong) We didn't talk for the longest time. We just recently started talking and being friends. We even went out a couple weeks ago. Im sooo much in love with her and i know 100% in my heart that she is the one for me. By the way, im 23 and she is 18. I know she cares about me from the way she acts. She will not let me around any of her friends for some reason, she says that they are all HO's. I was way too nice to her (i pretty much kissed her ass) when we dated and i know that probably is another reason she broke up with me. After the first year we dated she told me she was in love with me and that she wanted to marry me. I know that if i have any chance at all to get her back, that i have to play it cool and not kiss her ass. She LOVES to play mind games, by the way. She plays mind games with me alot. Tony, please give me advise on how to get her back. Im not that good at that sort of thing and im not good at playing mind games. Im afraid that i will push her away if i push for a relationship. How do i find out if she still loves me? I would do anything to get her back as my girlfriend. Please help me!!!!!!
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When you stop caring whether she loves you or not, you'll get her back. The way you will get her back is to show her you can live without her. Girls like men who are confident. The can't stand lovesick wimps. BE A MAN!!!


Have contact with her, see her once in a while, but don't return all her calls right away, keep most of your conversations brief, make her want more of you. Don't be predictable. Don't ask her to do things all the time. Do things with other friends, male and female. BE A CHALLENGE.


For God's sake, whatever you do, don't be so nice and sweet. This sickens women. They want to be treated nicely but if you go overboard, they go broke buying medication for being nauseated. You would be amazed if you could listen in on what girls tell other girls about guys who are so nice. There are a few who will take advantage of a guy like that and stomp all over him. Don't ever go there again. Don't treat them mean or with disrespect but don't be so butt kissing either.


The more you work on getting this girl back, the more she will move away from you. You are just going to have to be the coolest dude in town and stop caring what she does or who she sees. You know, if guys would get this through their thick skulls, they could have any lady they set their eyes on. Girls want a guy who is confident, sure of himself.


I have given this same advice in this forum hundreds of times and I have yet to have any female come back and tell me I was dead wrong. They read it, chuckle, and get pissed because I give their secrets out.

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