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Spending a lot of quality time with a "friend"


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Well, jealousy has reared it's ugly head.



A girl I'm interested in is spending a ton of time with a guy she says is just a friend. Well I guess more specifically, a group of friends. A clique if you will...



Maybe I'm just upset I'm not part of their little group or whatever, but I never get the invite from her.


She talks a big game about wanting to do this or that with me, but nothing ever transpires when they all go out. I'm friends with the guy also. Hmm.


I don't know what I'm worried about, we're both single and I guess this is stupid.. He is more than likely a friend as obvious from facebook photos - it's a group of friends hanging out. He is the goofy guy we are all friends with.



Anyhow, what do you guys make of mixed signals? Here is a girl who is newly single (albeit months now) and has shown plenty of signs of interest but is hot and cold. Last week, instead of asking me to come with her friends or to show up she simply asked me "If I was out" (College town, we all go to the same row of bars when we go out)


Or, am i making a big deal out of nothing and just need to relax? While I admit I haven't made a move like asking her out (So broke lately) she has told me plenty of times we should do something. Hinting, I suppose. Should I go ahead and take a cool, calm, collected approach when it comes to her? I know I cant just expect her to come to me though.

Edited by Justanotherdude
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Well, the aloof method isn't getting her to come to you is it?

She is going to the other guy instead.

She may think your not interested or she just likes the attention.


A simple way to find out is:


Next time she says "we should do this.. or that.." tell her when you are free next & ask her if she wants to do it then.


If she waffles, says she's busy & doesn't off an alternative time then you know for sure she isn't interested & should just avoid her if you really like her because it will just plain suck to be you.


If she goes then you'll have to read any signs yourself to see if she really likes you.

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