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Hello everyone. I am 21 and my girlfriend is 17 years of age. We have been dating for about 6 months now and I found out from her friend that she kissed another guy one night and told me nothing about it. I always have sensed that she might be cheating on me because she is always out with some other guy or girl doing something when she is not with me. I have asked her several times "have you ever cheated on me"? But she always denied it. I told her I knew what she did because her friend was strong enough to let me know about it because she cared about me. When I told her I knew her response was that she feels terrible about it and was waiting for the right time to tell me. She is having a really hard time without me so she says. What should I do? I would truly appreciate some honest advice here friends. Plus she constantly tells me stories of all these guys that want her and how many times it happens and it makes me feel terrible. I have been put on prozac to deal with my Clinical depression. I just dont trust anything she says anymore. Where should I head with her? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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billy the kid

leave her and find a girl your age..most 17 yr olds will act just like her... sorry but if you stick this out your going to need something stronger than prozac..

Hello everyone. I am 21 and my girlfriend is 17 years of age. We have been dating for about 6 months now and I found out from her friend that she kissed another guy one night and told me nothing about it. I always have sensed that she might be cheating on me because she is always out with some other guy or girl doing something when she is not with me. I have asked her several times "have you ever cheated on me"? But she always denied it. I told her I knew what she did because her friend was strong enough to let me know about it because she cared about me. When I told her I knew her response was that she feels terrible about it and was waiting for the right time to tell me. She is having a really hard time without me so she says. What should I do? I would truly appreciate some honest advice here friends. Plus she constantly tells me stories of all these guys that want her and how many times it happens and it makes me feel terrible. I have been put on prozac to deal with my Clinical depression. I just dont trust anything she says anymore. Where should I head with her? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Hey, Dude, this girl is 17 years old...that's right, S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N. At that fickle age, she could kiss a horse in your absence.


You need to understand right out of the starting gate that anything goes with this girl. I personally don't consider kissing cheating unless it is in private and goes lots farther than just a peck. I'm assuming here that's what happened.


It is extremely immature for her to be telling you about all these guys that want her. The next time she brings it up, free her and tell her to go for it. I mean you need this like the tropical rain forests need another chainsaw.


You aren't going to control this girl. She is going to do whatever fancies her. She is new in the world of love and she is going to explore. Don't count on her to be faithful, to be predictable, or to be by your side forevermore.


Since clinical depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain usually inherited, you can't blame this girl. Even if your depression was reactive, you could only blame yourself for putting up with her antics. Now if you just don't understand depression and have been put on medication because of this girl, THAT IS SICK. You simply don't need to be in any situation that drives you into such a deep depression you require medication. Listen to yourself!!!


You ask where you should head with her. I don't think you should head anywhere. She is jerking your chain big time and you should feel pretty fooling letting a child do that to you.


Go find a lady who has a few more years on her with more maturity and more caring for you. You deserve to be good to yourself by finding a lady that you can trust and that will make you feel really special.


You may find this young chirpie physically attractive but eventually her behavior will make her seem the ugliest thing you've ever laid eyes on.

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