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Is There Hope

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Hey Ya all


New to this forum but need some answers. I just broke up with a women I dearly loved this past thanksgiving. We where together for 5 years and have a wonderful little boy who is 2 1/2 now. We had a rocky relationship with alot of hardships. I was not easy to talk to and resorted to fighting alot. But she always showed she loved me with all her heart. Money was a big issue and time with our son was a big issue because she worked 7 days a week. I did a stupid thing and asked her if I could play a girl for money which she agreed to 2 years ago. I never had sex with this other women but told her anything she wanted to hear. Now my EX is to the point where she dont know what to beleave about the other women. There is more to this story but it would take to long.

When she first left back in Nov. I really thought she was leaveing to take time away and figure out what she wanted. I thought she had moved about 3 hours away to her parents house. I was arrested the night we broke up for pushing her. I never hit her I just wanted out the door. There was a No contact order put in place that night and still is. She has e-mailed the other women several time over the last 2 months and made it sound as if she still cared and needed more time. I just found out from freinds that she was only at her parent for about a month. She took a leave from work and then moved into a freinds place only 4 miles from me. Her mom and dad bought her a brand new car like 8 months ago and told her it was hers if she ever left me. So I called my freind where she is liveing because I wanted answers. My EX agreed to talk to me and what she said hit me like a ton of bricks. She told me she was planning all this for 8 months and has not loved me for the last 2 years. Also said she didn't enjoy sex with me. that she has a new man now and things are great. And the only way I can see my son is at her Parents house 2 hours away. And I know her parents hate me. She leaves our son with her parents all week and sees him only on the weekends. She is very angry inside acts all cocky. She was not like that with me. I didn't see all the signs of this comin because she loved me everyday. I love my son more than anything and I want to be a equal part of his life but she will not agree to that. I dont have the money for a attoreny and we where not married. What do i do I'm lost and I miss her and my son. She is already into a sexual relationship and was the last month we where together. All the e-mails to the other women has been an act. That hurts alot. Thanks and I look forward to your replys.



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Not sure I know what to say, but I do know where you are coming from. My bf left me like old laundry too and I never seen it coming, even made love to me the night before he left. The only thing that brings me comfort is that I love him enough to set him free to live his own life, no matter how much it kills me inside. As far as the boy goes, you should be able to get visitation with your son. Do you have a place where you live that can help you without having to dish out money on an attorney? Try some government organazations and see what you can find that can help you. Good LUck

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