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Abdominal strain - slow to heal

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Last year I strained my abs playing at the park with my kids. Actually, that just tweaked them and then I did something else a day later that finished off the job of straining them. They eventually healed in a couple months by me not doing anything special except taking anti-inflammatories and resting.


But a month after they healed (I know, not smart) I was feeling like normal and helped my father-in-law pick up a heavy TV. Well, I re-hurt the muscles in December and they're still not completely healed. I think I'm finally getting bettter due to Physical Therapy that I've been going to for 2 months now, but it's been a very slow process. I'm also using Ace bandage tight around my stomach some during the day to help me with setting at my desk at work (I have a desk job).


Anyone have suggestions for other things I can try to speed up my healing? A doctor suggested accupuncture, but I've never tried that and I don't just want to block out pain. I want return of normal muscle function so I can pick up my kids again and do all my husbandly duties around the house (no, that's not a euphamism for sex, lol).

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Are you sure it's just a muscle tear? Did you ever get a diagnosis from an MD? If you have a hernia, you won't be able to heal without surgery.


I would suggest perhaps starting with some light core/ab strengthening exercises for high reps. You should also probably work on isometric holds. Another thing I would suggest is spending some substantial time stretching your hip flexors, rectus femoris, obliques, hamstrings, glutes, etc. Sitting in a desk for the better part of the day does wonders to wreck up your mobility. I also have a desk job, and mobility work is now no longer optional like it was when I was in college. Stay away from heavy lifting or activities with high ballistic impact (jumping, sprinting, etc.). If you don't notice improvement within a month, or if it gets worse, you probably need to let your doc know.

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I don't have a hernia according to a specialist and a CT scan. Yea, I should probably stretch more often. I'll google those stretches you suggested. I never knew how much we use our abs until I hurt mine. I would think if I had a hernia, the physical therapy exercises would cause me pain, which they don't.


I do crunches, elliptical, ab ball workouts, lie on the floor and do pelvic tilts, leg lifts, and rubber band twists using a door at home.

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I would be willing to bet all your money that it's a mobility issue.


It's almost never bad to be limber, especially in the hips and lower back.


Personally, when you're feeling a little better, I would start to work on strengthening your lower back, glutes and hamstrings. It's possible that sitting in a chair all day has caused your hamstrings and glutes to atrophy, which in turn forces your abs and hip flexors to shorten and tighten up.


I wouldn't dive into deadlifts or cleans or anything like that quite yet. I would first work on isometric "superman holds". This is basically where you lay on the floor on your stomach, with your arms outstretched in front of you, then flex your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings to bring your knees and chest off the ground simultaneously. Another thing you can do (in a gym) is a reverse hyper extension. Obviously, start with bodyweight only and go for high reps.


Another movement you might want to try is simply walking around with a weight plate held above your head with your arms fully extended. The motion of you just walking around will help exercise your core stabilizers.


Good luck! Start slow and don't reinjure yourself.

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Thanks for the ideas.. i'll pass along to my physical therapist and see what she thinks. I dont' know if I can do your exercises. A month ago I re-injured my stomach just dragging a water-hose across my driveway. I also hurt it trying to start a gas weed-eater because I had to yank on the cord 8 times or so. And I can't pick up my 35 pound son right now, which really sucks.

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