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Am I reading something wrong here?

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I have a guy in my building whom is married and has been kidding with me for over a year.


I notice he now finds excuses to come to my door and

finds nice little things to say to me like hi beautiful etc. as well as be most helpful in anything that I may need.


I find this guy very attractive yet he is married. He has never made a pass at me yet makes sure that he and I attend functions here together.


The sad thing is we are so much alike it is unbelieveable, when I listen to him I feel that I am listening to the male version of myself. He has flirted with me for a year and I have passed it off but I am honestly thinking that I would like this to go somewhere. I find that at times when we are in a group of other people we find ourselfs lookiing at each other. I am not married and I would never want to break up him and his wife but what is this I am feeling and is he flirting for a reason or am I crazy? Please help me work this out.

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He probably is flirting with you. It probably makes him feel good, and provides the excitement of a new attraction outside his marriage. It is natural you feel flattered by the attention too, because it makes you feel good.


But no matter how well you get on, STAY AWAY FROM ANY INVOLVEMENT WITH THIS MAN.

He is married!! Stop your feelings going any further, even if it means reducing contact. Harmless flirtation is OK, but do not take it any further. Think how his wife would feel if she knew, or if anything actually happened between you two! This man has taken vows with another person. He is off limits in my opinion.


Look elsewhere for a future relationship.

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Enjoy the flirt....but if it goes any further.....you'll be the person he visits to have sex with when he doesn't have plans with his wife.


In the beginning, you'll be okay with it.


Then, you'll fall in love....then it'll be a world of confusion.


Then, she'll catch you....D-Day!


He'll dump you....make up with her....and you'll be forever known as the slut of the building who tried to break up his 'happy home' by seducing him.


Trust me.


....I didn't mean to sound like a smart a$$...LOL....I just know how these things go. If you doubt it...read up on some past thread and ask ANY other woman if she had the chance to do it all again....would she be there??

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