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Just wondering

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Hey all! what ya guys think about Romantic bath with roses and candles followed by a nice dinner :) who is able to do that? meaning is it only a couples thing? or a friend can do it as well? and what will that mean if we are only friends and ill surprise her with that kind of night?


P.S. what would you suggest for a nice romantic music to be played in the background?


help is needed, thank you in advance...

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Enchanted Girl

There's other steps that should be taken first to progress your relationship before baths with roses.

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i thought about it after i posted it. tnx for the input guys. so what kind of steps would you recommend ? so it wont look like that i want her more then a friend but slowly elevate the "friendship"?

im kinda confused with this whole thing, so what would be ok to buy? do to a friend? i guess you are right romance and friends should not be used in the same sentence. im screwed then. guess time will show :) tnx ya all.

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i thought about it after i posted it. tnx for the input guys. so what kind of steps would you recommend ? so it wont look like that i want her more then a friend but slowly elevate the "friendship"?

im kinda confused with this whole thing, so what would be ok to buy? do to a friend? i guess you are right romance and friends should not be used in the same sentence. im screwed then. guess time will show :) tnx ya all.


Yeah, the bold part is you being a sneaky behind the back piece of trash and using a classic "Nice Guy" tactic. You know that that means? It says that you are scared sh*tless of this girl and do not want to face rejection. So you'll play games. You'll create covert contracts and build lofty castles in the sky about your so called future relationship. Then when she fails to feel the gravity of your feelings, you'll explode and blame everything on her. You'll pull the whoa is me, women are all heartless bitches and I'm such a nice guy so why don't they fall for me routine.


Time won't show squat. You know what shows? Actions, actions, actions. So you can either make history or watch history. Your choice. Either be her friend, or date her. If she's not interested, leave her be while you seek women who are available. Black and white. Zero gray area.


If you are even thinking romantic, she's no longer your friend. She's a love interest at this point and the friendship is already f*cked five ways from Fuddruckers. Would you invite your male friends over for a bath and dinner? I'm guessing not becuase they are your friends and you have zero romantic interest in them.

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so what kind of steps would you recommend? so it wont look like that i want her more then a friend but slowly elevate the "friendship"? guess time will show...
There's no waiting for a right moment, time will not make a friend magically fall for you. By having feelings for her - you're not really 'friends' anymore 'cause you'll be hurt if e.g. she starts talking to you about other guys she's interested in. The only way is to tell her how you really feel and ask her also. It's as simple as that.


How long have you been friends for? I ask 'cause the risk is, you could lose the friendship entirely. That's something you need to think about!


So dude, either stay friends or ask her out. Don't be stuck in limbo land.

Edited by Odyssey
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There's no waiting for a right moment, time will not make a friend magically fall for you. By having feelings for her - you're not really 'friends' anymore 'cause you'll be hurt if e.g. she starts talking to you about other guys she's interested in. The only way is to tell her how you really feel and ask her also. It's as simple as that.


How long have you been friends for? I ask 'cause the risk is, you could lose the friendship entirely. That's something you need to think about!


So dude, either stay friends or ask her out. Don't be stuck in limbo land.


i might be not fully agreeing with wranger but you have a point, i might being just scared of her, or scared of relationships, even tho had few already, maybe i feel that she is the one, not sure. Odyssey, it wasnt really that long time, we met few weeks ago. and how can we be still friends if we are being more physical then a normal friends? even tho i we had no official date, nor me askin her to be my gf. Risk? maybe im scared of that! scared of loosing a friend? can that be? my ex's are still talking and they actually pretty kewl with each other ;) tnx for the input Oddyssey, soon we going to find out what is really going on ! is that just a sex? or all the package...

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i might be not fully agreeing with wranger but you have a point, i might being just scared of her, or scared of relationships, even tho had few already, maybe i feel that she is the one, not sure. Odyssey, it wasnt really that long time, we met few weeks ago. and how can we be still friends if we are being more physical then a normal friends? even tho i we had no official date, nor me askin her to be my gf. Risk? maybe im scared of that! scared of loosing a friend? can that be? my ex's are still talking and they actually pretty kewl with each other ;) tnx for the input Oddyssey, soon we going to find out what is really going on ! is that just a sex? or all the package...


Define more physical. How can you even think that this girl is remotely interested in you if you haven't even gone on one date yet? Was the candles and bath the first date idea? Jesus Christ on a cracker! 9/9 girls would sprint out of the door at that one and never look back.


It sounds to me like you've already established this fantasy world in your mind about her, a world that will never live up to reality. You've put her on a pedestal before you've even asked her on one date. You've clearly shown that by alluding to her being "the one." There is no such thing as "the one." You've got to realize that this girl poops just like you do, and I'm sure it smells just as bad. She's not some heavenly queen, she's just a normal person like yourself.


I'm sensing you are still quite immature in the dating scene and I can't imagine you are all that old since you spelled cool "kewl" and the rest of your grammar and sentence structures are atrocious.


Try asking her out before you start planning the rest of your life with her. If you didn't have some fear, you'd have asked her out by now. You've go to overcome that and realize no matter what happens, you'll live to see another day.

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