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A Question for Women

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I'm 15 btw.

I was at camp and there was this girl that was checking me out :love: but I never ended up talking to her, chickened out :o. If you were that girl and then I added you on Facebook though we hadn't talked, how would you feel? I'd think it's pretty cool if a girl did that to me but I dunno, I'm a bit different...


My first half: She'd be freaked out and just think I'm weird.

My second half: Go for it anyway..


Which voice is right? It could be the middleman in there but...I dunno lol

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Enchanted Girl

I think you should go for it. She'll probably think it's okay.


I just wouldn't immediately tell her that you liked her, too. Instead, just tell her that you thought she was cool and you wanted to get to know her. Then talk to her for awhile, THEN ask her out if you want to, but if you ask her out right away, she might think it's kind of weird.

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Hi. Looks like someone else may be going through the same thing! Did you see this thread? http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t239073/. They are probably a little older than you, though.


Okay, I have a daughter your age, and I can say from experience that she will probably accept your friend request. Maybe just hang back, read the status updates, comment on one it two... NOT ALL! Don't be a stalker.

Be respectful, don't say anything you wouldn't want her mother to read.


Let it go from there. Just remember to show respect and act like a gentleman. I know it sounds stupid, but it's not. I don't care what anyone says, it's never cool to be a jerk.


Good luck!

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Thanks for your advice. Ye, I just wanted to avoid the whole creep stalker thing as I'm not and don't want to be lol. Thanks!

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