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I'm 17 and my boss wants sex...what do i do?

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your boss could also be at risk of losing his job...which could really hurt his long-term career plans

Cry me a river. His long term career plans should include scraping dried vomit off of the skid row sidewalks on a volunteer basis.

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I was trying to make the point that the ramifications of her actions could spread beyond casual sex. Not that I find anything wrong with casual sex, but when one is getting it at their workplace it usually causes more harm than good in the long run, at least that has been my experience and observation.


From her description, I think the guy sounds like one of those predators (or losers, if you prefer) who can't find someone closer to his own age who will sleep with him.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

Do you seriously have to ask?


Never EVER do anything like this.


This is total sexual harrassment. If you fear your job if you don't nail him, tell someone above him. There HAS to be someone above him. Get HIM fired.


I totally agree with kevin. I was actually in that situation before...only it was when I was 19 not 17. My boss was 21 and he wanted to "hang out". I made that mistake...I allowed myself to drink, and he took advantage of me. I was too ashamed about it to rat on him, and I held myself partailly responsible anyway. You'll definitely regret it...DON'T DO IT! Things were very awkward at work after that too, and you'll have a terrible time at work. You should definitely nail him NOW before it's too late.

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  • 2 months later...

to answer the question plainly and simply:


"My problem is that he wants to have sex with me, and i want to too, partly because he's so good looking and charming, but mostly because I dont want to get fired. Does this make me a whore?"


YES, that would make you a whore. Besides the age legality issue you'd want to have sex with him for superficial and fake reasons, that would make you a bimbo. Then you'd want to do it for the job, that would make you a slave. So I'd say bimbo+slave=whore


so, either quit and just be his bimbo or stay and be his whore, the choice is up to you. Not many intelligent women would choose either. You are young, does not have to equate the quality of person you are, love yourself...respect yourself, raise yourself above such base things. Then go get a tape recorder and bust his sleazy ass, unless you are equally as sleazy, then enjoy

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I truly enjoyed this statement... "I've always wanted to be with an older man."


What...since freakin' preschool???


It seems that you have little sense at this point in your life...so here is my one piece of advice.


If you do end up naked with this guy, make him wrap it up! He's probably used his good looks and charm to get up many a skirt.


You never know what lurks beneath...his fluids may be tainted.


Best of luck to ya.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Is the reason you say you do not want to be fired because your boss stated or implied this, or just because you think that is what bosses normally do if subordinates do not want to have sex with them? Assuming the latter, there is nothing wrong with engaging in sex with an older man, even your boss, unless 17 is too young to consent in the state in which you live. Although 18 is probably the legal age of an adult in your state, many states allow consensual sex as legal at age 17.


If however, the former is true, and your boss is trying to coerce you into having sex, then this is illegal (Sexual harassment). I never personally agreed with sexual harassment laws, because as a woman, they make me feel inferior. I should be able to stand on my own two feet. If I do not like someone's advances, I would have the pride to simply leave his employment. He will get the hint soon enough if women do not want to work for hi. Remember, a business is only as good as its best workers. Conversely, I should be able to choose to have sex with my boss in any case. It is up to you.

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Originally posted by womanofjustice



Is the reason you say you do not want to be fired because your boss stated or implied this, or just because you think that is what bosses normally do if subordinates do not want to have sex with them? Assuming the latter, there is nothing wrong with engaging in sex with an older man, even your boss, unless 17 is too young to consent in the state in which you live. Although 18 is probably the legal age of an adult in your state, many states allow consensual sex as legal at age 17.


17 is too young to consent in any state in the United States. Most states have NO "age of consent" law. Do not believe the rumors or myths that you hear, or the information that you can find about "age of consent" on the internet.


In the United States, you CANNOT be 18 or older and be intimate with any person who is UNDER the age of 18. Period. Go ask your District Attorney, or another licensed Attorney (Police will not know, as Police tend not to have degrees in law).

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Many states (about half) DO allow consent under the age of 18. An adult can then not be charged with statutory rape. Some states allow consent as young as 14. Whether this is morally correct or not is another issue.


The main issue this young lady is addressing, however, and which i addressed (as applicable to all women) is that a woman should be able to consent to sex with anyone if she freely chooses. If she does then she has no excuse to then blame the man in any case for something she freely consented to (assuming she is of legal age).

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Originally posted by womanofjustice

Many states (about half) DO allow consent under the age of 18. An adult can then not be charged with statutory rape. Some states allow consent as young as 14. Whether this is morally correct or not is another issue.


This is false. If there are loopholes to avoid statutory rape, there are many other charges which cannot be avoided due to those loopholes. As I stated above: You cannot be aged 18 or older and be intimate with any person under the age of 18, as you will be breaking the law.


The main issue this young lady is addressing, however, and which i addressed (as applicable to all women) is that a woman should be able to consent to sex with anyone if she freely chooses. If she does then she has no excuse to then blame the man in any case for something she freely consented to (assuming she is of legal age).


This is true, provided that no laws are broken during the process of consent.

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I will not belabor the issue beyond this reply. YOU ARE WRONG. The age of consent is under 18 in many states. PERIOD. I have researched the law extensively, and have been involved with the court system through social service agencies. Although there are other unrelated (to consent to sex) charges that can always (if appropriate) be brought against adults as related to their involvment with a child (contributing to her delinquency by providing alcohol, for example) the age of consent does not involve "loopholes." Consent at 16 in some states means consent at 16. Please research this and you will find out.

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Please ignore what I said about choosing to have sex at 17. You should wait until you are at least an adult before you think of this. Discuss issues like this (in general) with your parents. Sorry I said otherwise before, but I just wanted to elicit a response from others on this website.

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