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What do men appreciate in a woman?

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Boy am I confused!!! What is it with guys? I feel like my boyfriend doesn't appreciate me sometimes. But sometimes he is really sweet.


I spend a lot of money on him at christmas and valentines and his birthday, but he doesn't want to spend that much money on me (but he wants me to get whatever I want, he says). I only spend that much money on him b/c I love him and want to get him something he will use or will really like, I let him pick it out. He lets me pick out my gifts too but....ughh, i just don't know!


(oh and something that might be helpful in answering this is: he is the one with a job, I just save up every penny I can make) He has become such a selfish, tightwad with his money.


I take care of him when he sick, I take him lunch when I get through with my classes, I leave him little notes on his windshield telling him I'm thinking of him, etc... But I still don't get appreciation, do I ask for it what?


Somebody help me please :(

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stop doing these things...if he asks why, say well i kinda figured you knew, i mean i have been doing it forever.


you shouldn't do things because you expect it back, do the things because YOU want to, not because you think he will like you more.


if need be, just do things when you have the time, and have the money.

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each guy has different wants in a woman.


i personally want an open-minded, friendly, nice, and shy at times girl...mad cute when they're shy!!

they femininity in a girl just makes my heart beat...but depends at which level of feminine, average is good enough for me. if you're 100% feminine, meaning afraid to do work, like mop or clean or cook, or afraid to break a nail...or whatever then screw u!

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