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Love my long time friend-she is dating, but not happy

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I am a 32 year old male. There is this girl I have been friends with for a very long time. We talk nearly every day. I think we both have "liked" each other at different times in the past-just never at the right time and so nothing has happened. We have flirted with each other in the past and she commented on my body parts, etc.


She is currently dating someone, but really they are not right for one another. He is lazy and a "slob"-he is unhealthy and doesn't like to work out-those are the words she used-those are not my "angry" or jealous words. Everyone is telling her to get rid of him. She said she feels "bad"


We went to a baseball game together (There was another couple with us) She asked me to go because the guy she is dating is not "feeling well".) We had a wonderful time together. The couple we were with (she is good friends with them) were telling her the same thing-all she did was complain about her boyfriend the entire night.


Being honest, she and I are more compatible on another of levels-politics, religion, dedication to keeping healthy and "looking good". Her parents love me-I talk to them extensively when I see them.


I really do think there is something there-just not sure what steps I should take to try to move this forward. It is now or never. I would rather take the chance and let her know my feelings rather than go through life wondering what if. I think she may have had similar thoughts, but may also be afraid to act on them. I can really honestly say I love her-any assistance would be appreciated.

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I think all you can do is just tell her how you feel, i cant think of any steps or anything you can do besides just tell her. I've been in the same situation and like you said if you dont your just going to wonder what if. I'd ask her out to eat or something when you tell her, and if she doesnt want to go then thats probably your answer right there. But if you dont say anything you'll regret it, and you will probably start to resent her eventually.

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