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mixed signals

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Thanks for your advice it helped me quite a bit. But now were done for good. I talked to him today and he told me he's seeing someone now. I told him that was weird cause he told me he didnt want a relationship, he must have meant just with me. Then i thanked him for using me.


He never texted to back after that. Which is a good thing cause he could have hurt me more, but it makes me really mad also. I think i deserve an excuse or a lie or something! So its done. I just dont why he couldnt say i dont want a relationship with you, and then leave me alone? Why try so hard to get me back? Why ask me to move in 2 wks ago? Right now im just really mad and hurt and it's def. good that he didnt tell me in person. Im also a little bit drunk so the real pain hasnt even kicked in yet.


But i guess it's whatever i deserve better than this. Its pretty sad that 3 other guys texted me to make sure i was okay afterwards, and he never did he doesnt even care. Its better to know now though i guess, i could have ruined some good friendships for him and he's obviously not worth it. In fact he's not any better than the worthless guys he talks about all the time, its funny how he hated matt for hurting me and then he did the exact same thing.

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When u kept silent for a few days, i sorta worried things were not working out as hoped... I had no way to ask, and could only hope for the best... i am sorry to hear the guy turned out to be such a dick. To me, you did everything right, so it's just as well that u found out fairly early... Towards the end of our discussions on this thread, as more and more details emerged on how he's been acting, i was already beginning to have question marks, but i chose to be supportive when it was obvious u wanted to give it a shot... i m sorry... i want u to know i m here if u want to vent or whatever, you've been more than a great help in my moments of doubts, and i owe it to you to return the favour... i dunno if there's a way we can take this private, seems it's just the 2 of us here, but i leave it all to u... if u prefer to talk here, i will be here. If u know of a way we can talk in private and wish to, i am more than fine with that. Just want to be here as a friend for u...

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YOU have control over YOUR life, your actions.


stop giving him the power to MAKE you FEEL certain ways. keep a good balance for yourself.


and while your at it - stop sleeping with men, stop drinking and start using good decisions in YOUR best interest.


you lose your clarity with the drinking and sex.


men sleep with women because they can. women do it because they hope it means they care. sometimes they don't care as much as we want them to. they just want sex.


wise choices and clarity should help you decide things that keep you in a healthy, safe place.

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