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did i make a mistake?

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i first met john online 6 years ago when i was 15. he lived 3 hours away from me. we would talk on the phone from night to day almost 4 times a week if not more, there was always so much to talk about.our conversations always open, honest, deep, and uninhibited. for the past 6 years he has been in and out of my life he'd come here to see his friends but always spent majority of his time with me and there was always a connection with him that ive never felt with anyone else. though we never got physical in those 6 years, there has always been a mental and physical attraction. ive had a boyfriend for 3 years and that ended recently. johns always been on my mind and after 6 months of not talking we've connected again. As always the conversations are amazing and never ending. i told him one day he should randomly come down and see me soon and he did so that very day! he drove down 3 hours just to be with me for a day. it was great. we have a blast just being random together doing anything no money needed just each others company. SO YEA... as the night ended after 6 years i broke and we got physical for the first time and it was amazing. he didnt want to leave i neither did i but its not a choice we have. he'd say things like u have to come to me next time for the weekend i wanna show you an amazing time i wanna introduce you to my friends up there they'll love you.. your beautiful, where have you been all this time...etc etc... when he left i just couldnt stop thinking about him and he to tells me he misses me and want to continue skyping and talking on the phone. the dilema is this... hes moving to my city next year, but alot can cha:confused:nge by then and i dont know what to do. I dont want to keep this up if im going to get hurt and with him i can because i truly care for him. At the same time i feel like i gave up my chance after i lost my willpower. it may have been 6 years but it may also still have been to soon =[. any advice or experience?

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Well life is about being happy, and if you don't want to take chances just cause you're afraid of getting hurt you can miss wonderful things that are right for you.

Sounds like you two are meant to be, and just give it a chance!, cause in my opinion the worst thing is regretting or thinking what could've been.

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At the same time i feel like i gave up my chance after i lost my willpower. it may have been 6 years but it may also still have been to soon =[. any advice or experience?
OP, the only trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get another chance. There are only so many opportunities we get in life. You both like each other. I mean he drove 3hrs just to see you at the drop of a dime! What are you scared of?
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