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was it a bad idea....

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I changed my phone number and e-mail address. I shut down my facebook account. I stopped associating with any mutual friends. I basically eliminated any avenue for my ex to contact me. I have embraced the NC policy, but have I overreacted? I think about her constantly and wish I could talk to her, but I was constantly checking these places for calls and messages that never came.... Did I act too quickly?


p.s. this whole process sucks

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I changed my phone number and e-mail address. I shut down my facebook account. I stopped associating with any mutual friends. I basically eliminated any avenue for my ex to contact me. I have embraced the NC policy, but have I overreacted? I think about her constantly and wish I could talk to her, but I was constantly checking these places for calls and messages that never came.... Did I act too quickly?


p.s. this whole process sucks

Nope you did the correct thing

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There's nothing worse than constantly checking the text messages, checking for the voice mail indicator, or if there was any missed calls, then you think that it just may be the area your in and you turn your phone off and on just to be sure.


Can drive a person crazy, but I agree you did the right thing.

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hurt and devastated

You did yourself a favor by making it near impossible for her to contact you. I agree, the whole breakup/separation/divorce process sucks. Going NC sucks too, but it gives you a chance to heal from this without obsessively checking your phone, texts, or email. If she can't get in touch with you, there's no reason to keep checking.

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